Monday, April 09, 2007

SF10 TR #10, Sub-10's!

SF10 Miles Trained To Date: 60.75

I CAN be a speedy runner.
I can BE a speedy runner.
I can be a SPEEDY runner.

Today I was to do 6 easy miles. Well, towards the end of the day I received some news that a) had nothing to do with me, and b) I could do nothing about. However, it really, really hacked me off! So tonight's run was all about me blowing off steam. Boy did I! I was so fast (for this turtle) that I reduced it to only 5 miles. Check me out!

Mile 1: 10:44
Mile 2: 9:56
Mile 3: 9:33
Mile 4: 9:39
Mile 5: 9:42
Total: 49:37
Average: 9:55 per mile, 174 beats per minute

After that I took the long, hilly way home for a nice, mellowing walk.


mrjwhit~ said...

Nice run. Congrats on the sub 10 min miles. You truly deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Run Susan, run!!!

Great work at using running for therapy!

Maddy said...

Great job!

Not that it's fun to have to "blow off steam" - but isn't it nice you have a vehicle to do that with?

Running is an awesome tool for letting it all go.

Dawn said...

You will be a speedy runner if that's what you put your mind to! You are one of the most goal oriented people I have ever known. If you want to be speedy, I have NO DOUBT that you will be!

MarathonChris said...

Wow, you were flying!!! Way to go. Hope you were able to work out that steam.

Unknown said...

Excellent work, miles 2-5 were fairly consistent and that miles 3-4 were real close is even better!