With determination to do a bit of running before the 5K on Friday, I made it out this morning. Into the misting rain! I ran around my neighborhood. I specifically ran 1.8 miles so that my monthly total will be a nice round number. Anal retentive? YES. That's me. Hello, my name is Susan, and I am anal retentive.
In a way I have been scolding myself for not running more than I have been. But, at the end of the day, I feel confident with my decision to "be lazy" because come Monday... it's marathon training time! I will look back on this slow time fondly, I bet. So runners of the world - take a break every now and then.
I finished the Dean Karnazes book yesterday. It was just amazing! I've had one request to borrow it. Are there any more? I also have "Running and Being" by Dr. George Sheehan to offer.
As always, great work! See you Friday for another great run!
You start on Monday too? Great! I will look to you as my online training partner! Woo hoo!
Great! You are putting in the races! I am so proud of you!
Have you recorded your audio yet, Coach?
I think most runners are AR by nature. It can good (help us meet our goals) and bad (cause us to overdo things).
Anyway, I look forward to hearing how your visit to Maine goes. Sounds like a great place to visit in the summer!
Boy, I thought I was anal...hee, hee.
Can't wait to hear about your marathon plans and training.
I love rounding the numbers too...happy marathon training on Monday!
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