Saturday, July 07, 2007

Running & Running Errands

Good morning all! Today is a glorious day. Last night I read quite a bit more of Ultra Marathon Man. It is SUPERB!

I decided to do speedwork at the track this morning. I chose this for a few reasons. You see, I am going to attend a wedding in Maine next weekend. Friday night, though, two fellow travelers and I are going to run a 5K race in a nearby town there! So I wanted to assure myself of a little speed before I begin my 4-airport tour of America to get there. Also, I am taking the opportunity while NOT yet in marathon training to do what I want, when I want, as it relates to my running schedule. And today I felt like speed!

When I got to the track, I was the only one there. Great! It was about 7 AM or a little after. Per the suggestion of Runner's World, I wore long sleeves to avoid the UV rays. To my surprise, I did not roast! I also got to park, at the time, in the shade (it was plenty bright by the time I left). I did a slow 1-mile warmup. Then, at the suggestion of Coach Terry, I did a 400m run with the last 100m being a sprint. I was aiming for a 9:15-9:30 pace (so 2:18-2:22 per 400m). I did the first one in 2:02. Yowsa! I then walked for 400m. The second attempt was 2:08, followed by a 400m walk. The third was 2:05, also followed by a walk. I intended to do 4... and as I started the fourth, I realized that I was asking too much of myself. So I proceeded to do a slow run cooldown. No need killing myself out there when I have a whole weekend to enjoy!

There were a total of 5 of us on the track during my time there. I guess everyone had the same idea; beat the heat. It really was not all that hot out. I wonder if the long sleeves helped. My dad was a roofer/sheet metal worker and always, always wore long sleeves because he said it kept him cool while out in the blazing sun. Hmm! Maybe I get that now.

I listened to the one-year anniversary show of Running From The Reaper while I was out there. Congratulations, Nigel, for one year of excellent podcasting! On a similar note, a goal for this weekend is to prepare my first ever audio to submit to The Extra Mile Podcast. Oh my! Look out world - I'm vocal!

After the track I ran three different errands. Can you think of anything better than getting up early, getting a run in, getting tasks accomplished, and being able to be home and "free" all by 9 AM? I can't think of a better way to start a Saturday!


Petraruns said...

Can't wait to hear your voice on the Extra Mile - I'll be listening out for you! Well done on your speedwork - it really pays off you know (says someone who couldn't even manage her pace work today). I'll be posting your stuff as soon as I get to Canada - take good care and keep up the early starts. Every time I get up at some godforsaken hour I think "Susan would be running now so I can".. You're an inspiration!

Unknown said...

Those are good, no... excellent 400m times. And that you didn't finish them all, don't sweat it because the race is only a week away and you don't need to beat yourself up anymore.

can't wait to catch you on The Extra Mile!

Anonymous said...

Hmm... better ways to start my Saturday.. Sleeping in, coffee & newsprint... followed by breakfast out. I'm soooo proud of you, Susan!

Maddy said...

Nice job on the Speedwork.

I didn't even wake up until 9:45 this morning - and you were already done running by then...


ShirleyPerly said...

Great job running fast so early in the morning and interesting that the long sleeves kept you cooler!

I wish I could somehow do some errands while swimming :-P