Phew - 16 miles. DONE.
It dawned on me this morning that a) 16 miles is a long distance, and b) I don't feel that I am yet in a long distance mindset. Well after the 16 miler, there is no denying it. My game face is on! Even though I have done this before (marathon training), I can remember the first time that I was "broken down," feeling like I could not go another step. It was the day that I felt the training had officially gotten difficult. It was last year for my first 20-miler. Every mileage up to that seemed novel, looking back, as if I could do them all easily (OK, not really...) and was proud to be able to run that far, since I had never run that far before. I'm sure you understand what I mean. Well, the 20-miler HURT last year, and that is when I knew this was a serious undertaking. Well today was my "this is serious" run. It was tough and I am feeling like a decrepit old lady -- but I did it!
I got up at 3:30 plus one push of the snooze button. I pressed the start button at 4:27 AM. I am growing quite fond of running by starlight. I listened to several "Old Time Radio Drama" podcasts, which I liked surprisingly well. I noticed that car lots open their main gates at 5 AM. Now who buys cars at 5 AM?
I turned off the main road at about mile 4. I turned onto Boone Road, which ran all the way from Benton to the next town over, Bryant. I stopped to eat half of my energy bar at mile 5. I appreciated the zillion stars in the sky as I stood there chomping away. I was still on Boone Road when the sun began to rise. It took me all the way to the "main drag" of Bryant. I stopped to look at a newly constructed bank. I even turned the Garmin off. I am an architect, after all! Once I resumed running, I realized that some giant beetle was stinging me on the back. I shooed it off, yet it would not leave me alone. I probably looked like a mental patient waving my arms wildly in the air at 6:30 AM on Reynolds Road... but a runner's gotta do what a runner's gotta do. Chasen asked "Why didn't you just pick it off of you?" AS IF I WOULD TOUCH A BUG!?! Ugh. I may run 16 miles and sweat to death, but this girl does not do bugs!
At mile 10, back on the I-30 frontage road, I stopped to eat the second half of my energy bar. Just 6 miles to go! But it was about then that I got really, really fatigued. I got home on a walk/run/walk/run prayer.
The GOOD thing is that I couldn't have asked for better weather. It seems one can cut a deal with Mother Nature. I believe it never rose above 71 degrees. Put a coat on! :)
Here is my course in elevation:

12:43, 12:39, 12:38, 12:39, 12:38, energy bar, 11:47, 13:32, 13:51, 12:44, 12:45, energy bar, 11:54, 14:09, 13:26, 14:50, 14:35, 13:40
I look forward to resting for the rest of the day. And I'm proud that this run is in the bag!
Just remember that there's someone out there (like me!) that marvels at the fact that you have just run an incredibly long 16 miler! Kudos! Another great run in the bag!
i'm also in awe...16 miles by yourself, and at that hour?!?!
your splits are FINE! way better than mine and i was only doing half the mileage!
Fantastic job on the 16 miler! I agree, the training for marathon number 2 is somewhat different from the first one - but the one thin you DO know now is that you have done it before, you can do it again. I feel like sometimes it is almost harder than doing it for the first time.
I admire your ability to get up so darned early!!! Way to go!
Good job! I love running at 4 am. I just don't tell people I do it b/c then they look at me real funny.
Great Job on the 16! And so early!
Keep it up! I hope you had a nice relaxing day!
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