Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Walk. Pee. Run. Pee.

Rain, rain, go away! It rained throughout the night, so my plans for an early run were foiled. It appeared to be going to rain all day. Shoot! As I sat at my desk and looked out the window, I saw that it had stopped. But it started right back up. Not wanting to sit and work in clean running clothes, unshowered, all day, I decided to get ready for the day and just work in running clothes. I'd be poised and ready if Mother Nature gave me a reprieve.

It finally cleared up a bit, so I headed out. I wanted to do 4 miles. I just walk these days, since running even a few steps gives me super-sore abs. Shortly after I started walking, I had to pee. Dang it! Darn pregnancy! I knew for a fact that I could make it 2 miles (because that's how it works at the city park), so I did an out-and-back of 2 miles in 32:53. The second mile was faster than the first because, of course, I really had to go!

After a quick stop at home, where I contemplated making this a two-a-day thing and just getting back to work, I decided to go ahead and get it all done. So I headed out. Something inside me said "Try to run. You can do it. Just try." So I did! I ran for about a quarter mile straight! No pain. Then I walked a bit and decided to keep up with the running. I walked/ran/walked the whole thing! I was so proud! I knew I'd be sore afterwards (and I was right), but I think it's probably worth it. Here's why.

My body is expanding, granted. But if I can condition it to the rigors of running (vs. walking) perhaps I can indeed keep up some running throughout the pregnancy. I'll probably go through stages, naturally. But it just hit me like a ton of bricks today, somehow. I bet post-baby I'll have to condition my body back to running (duh!) so conditioning it to run now is not all that different of a concept. So I shall try. Some days may not be as successful as others. I'll roll with the punches. AND mileage won't take so long! :)

Thanks to the running stints, the second two miles took only 29:39. Yay me! I know that Baby Isaac is comfortable and safe in his (for now) spacious womb... so I feel good about trying to add some speed back into my workouts.

What a great day!


ShirleyPerly said...

Susan, you are such an inspiration! Way to get in a workout when Mother Nature let up on the rain. And I'm glad you were able to do a little running too with no pain.

Petraruns said...

Good girl - take what you can when you can! And it's surely a good idea to think about what you'll look like after the baby - I didn't and I paid a BIG price..

Anonymous said...

Go Suz! It's fun reading your stories.
- Andrea

lizzie lee said...

Oh yes. I remember pregnant with my daughter begging in a store for a bathroom. I needed to go all the time. I am proud of you running with your boy.!!!!