My very patient, yet not the slightest bit tolerant, nature has been reaffirmed lately. Sometimes Isaac gets soooooo fussy (like, when he is soooooo gassy...) and I have managed to NOT pull my hair out. Deep breaths, a drink of water, a second out of the room... all of these tricks work for ME. On Monday, however, I used the old "drive him around to calm him down" trick. We drove to nearby, historic Holly Springs, Mississippi. That made HIM return to 'angel' status. :)
I meant to mention this earlier: congratulations are in order!
Jennifa......G had another baby girl! Isadora Josephine, aka Izzy, is Isaac's new virtual running partner! Welcome to the world,
Yesterday we went back to the new mom's group at the hospital. It's so fun visiting with other new moms! And it's free - you can't beat that with a poopy diaper.
Isaac arrives to group in his new handmade cap. Clearly he is excited to be there.
Heisman winner! Ha.
Tummy time. He'll have abs of steel - ha. Actually the point (one of them) is strong neck muscles so he can hold his head up.
Is he calling me a loser? Or is he saying "I'm #1!" The choice is yours.
The weather here is still cold and dreary. I really would like to get on the treadmill. I have some goals: establish walking (and then running) schedule for upcoming race on 5/21, establish 'toning' schedule (post-baby... ick...) and create world peace. For now, I'll settle for some time with Teddy Tready!
Aww, Isaac is SO cute :)
Have fun on the treadmill!
Tough times for Mom and tough times for Sweet Baby.
Wishing you joy.
I love that little hat! So cute! Thanks again for all your sweet words! Gas bubbles are the pits...but it looks like you are a professional at getting him to calm down and drift off to sleep. Lol and hope you have a great weekend....hope teddy treats you well and the weather stops being so cruddy....with a baby as cute as Issac your already heads up on bringing about world peace!
Oh sweetheart those first months are up and down sometimes - you love them to bits but the crying! I do remember... Driving is great, walking is great, sometimes leaving them safely in their cots and standing in the garden is great (5 minutes is all I'm saying before you send the social services round). Whatever works at the moment honey ..
He's so precious! Glad to hear that he is getting out and about.
I have been enjoying your blog about baby Isaac, he is a doll.
Well, at least it's just sometimes he's fussy rather than most of the time, like some babies. But, of course, he certainly does look like a little angel in those photos :-)
Hope you and Teddy get some time together!
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