On Monday 12/28 I had a dental surgery. Ouch! Just prior to it I took a 4.25 mile walk. The surgery netted me another week off (from running). That makes my total "rest time" post-marathon three weeks. Hopefully that did my legs and body some good.
Now I am back at it! As part of my ongoing list of goals, I have been determined to run in the early morning. I didn't make it yesterday due to Chasen having to be at work at about 6 AM, but I sure did it today! I was out there at 6 AM in 20 degree weather. I wore double layers of everything, and the only cold thing was my face. I can deal!!! It felt good to be out there and again feel like I was "cheating time." I can't even remember the last time I ran and showered all before 8 AM. Hooray!
My FREE finish line photo from the Rocket City Marathon arrived! Chip time 5:59:55.
The great thing about that photo is that Chasen and Isaac are in it, too! See them to my left?

The great thing about that photo is that Chasen and Isaac are in it, too! See them to my left?
Now I have some BIG NEWS. My little Isaac, who'll be one year old in less than six weeks. stood up on his own for a second today! Whoa baby! Or, should I say, whoa toddler!?!
Congrats Isaac- you will soon be ruling the world! Sorry about the dental surgery- owie, but a great finish line photo! (and it's free?!- very nice)
Wow Susan, lovely photo and so great to have your guys in it! Congrats to little (or should I say big) Issac! He's doing so well! My first took ages to stand up, so did my second (and to sit up and to wal,) my third is "different"... sitting up at 8 months (others were 11), also standing up at 8 months, crawling as of 8 months too (others didn't do it until their 1st bday) and walking but 12 1/2 months (others were 15 1/2)... it's really amazing and exciting to see them achieve those milestones! Hooray for baby/toddler Isaac!
Hope your "mouth" feels better soon!
Any other races in sight?
BTW, the 3 weeks rest will have done you a world of good for sure!
Take care and keep going... you're doing great!
BTW, such cute photos of Issac sleeping... he's adorable!
More Isaac luv!
Very cool how your guys are in your race photo--love it!
Sorry about the surgery. That's so cool about the photo, and it was free?! I wish more races did that, too cool!
I can hardly run late in the day anymore I am so used to running early mornings! I cheat time every day!! Keep it up when you can get back out there!
beautiful finish picture, and beautiful pictures of the tired boy
Wish I could have been There!
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