I did make the switch to running Mondays and Wednesdays, putting my "easy walk" on Thursdays and my long run on Saturdays. This will work out much, much better timewise and heatwise for the long run. Isaac and I did most of those runs and walks together this week, except for the long run. But I'll get to that.
On Wednesday my Olive Branch Mommy Group arranged for a police officer from the OBPD to come and talk to the children about safety. I'm pretty sure Isaac didn't get much out of it, but he did get to go in the police car!
We gathered teddy bears to donate to the police station for when they have to remove children from bad situations. Sad, but necessary.
That night I did my hill workout at dusk. Alone! It was so nice on so many levels: no sunscreen, no stroller, far less heat... perfect. The next afternoon, after our easy walk at the city park, I left ALONE to go to a friend's bridal shower in the Little Rock area. Aaahhh... more "me time!"
I got ten whole hours to myself, i.e. child free. It was awesome. Denise even rode most of the way back with me. She had to be in this area for a family reunion. It was so nice to be able to catch up in person AND have someone accompany me on the long drive through the night (I got home just before 1 AM).
We went to Isaac's 15 month checkup on Friday. Can you believe how big he is?
Isaac is in the 50th percentile for weight and the 97th for height. Tall guy! Chasen wants to know who his father is. HAAAAAA!
This brings me to today's long run. It was awesome. I guess I needed that! I got up at 5 AM and hit the pavement just before 6 AM. I put on my "ice necklace" (burp cloth/cloth diaper filled with ice) and enjoyed the lower temps. It didn't really get all that hot until mile 13 or so of the 15 miler. I just chugged right along! It gave me great hope. The race is 19 weeks away. Look out, Chicago, here I come!
Man, if he is TALL!!!!!
In regards to your comment, yes, Isaac will be there for you in your races, as you are there for him today. It is just a matter of love....Just be there for him all the time!!!!!!!
much love
Sounds lovely! glad it was a better week!
Your little man is really tall and healthy, congrats!
Woohoo on your loooooooooooooooong run... Chicago better get ready! WTG girl!
Sorry to have been MIA - life has been hectic but it's all good.
Great to see you're getting back out there and rolling with the punches training-wise - able to get out when you can which is the best it's going to get and you're doing great.
Congrats on the great run as well - that was just waht you needed right?
And as for that cutie pie! He is just lovely! Can't believe he's 15 months!
So who is the one with tall genes in their family?
Great to hear you had some me-time and a good long run. Summers in the South can be brutal. Good idea about the ice necklace!
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