Ah, another week of "firsts" for us. Isaac begin his other new school on Monday, first and foremost. I am over the moon to report that it went so, so well! We were lucky enough to discover that the son of an acquaintance was going to be in his class, so I arranged for them to have a playdate at the park the day before school started. I wanted Isaac to have a familiar face around him. Apparently, it worked, because dropoff went smooth as silk. The other little boy, well... not so much. But that poor fella had never been to any sort of Mother's Day Out, nursery, etc. (to my knowledge).
I was supposed to run on Monday, but I was just wiped out. This mothering stuff can really take a lot out of a gal! Since I am still, technically, in the "base building" stage of my training, I so no need to fret over shifting my schedule by one day this week. I had bigger fish to fry.
On Tuesday Chasen left for a business trip to Philadelphia. That meant I HAD to get my run done while Isaac was at school. I opted for the treadmill because I had tons to accomplish during the short time Isaac would be at Mother's Day Out. I was supposed to go four miles, but I only made it three. Oh well. What's one mile when you're feeling so worn out?
Wednesday, when I was a 'single parent' Isaac chose to wake up at 4:55 AM. Good gravy! That just meant that I could get started much, much earlier than anticipated on a cheesecake 'first' - a wedding cake style cheesecake! A friend asked me to create a chocolate cheesecake for a couples bridal shower she was hosting. And so I did:
Three layers of chocolate cheesecake, plus chocolate covered strawberries.

Birds eye view. I was proud of my creation. Not a morsel was left at the end of the shower, she said.
Bride and groom toppers, complete with a tulle veil for the bride.
That day, in addition to being woken before the roosters, I felt a sore throat coming on. Just what I needed, right? I opted for rest instead of a run. Then it was time to get Isaac, and a few short hours after that it was time for Wednesday night church. No rest for the weary.
On Thursday I was ecstatic to discover that the temps had dropped dramatically. So I dropped Isaac at MDO and ran from there. I did four amazing miles on the "real road" and felt great. Whoo hoo - it's about time. And that night -- hallelujah! -- Chasen returned.
Friday is my only weekday without MDO, so it is automatically a rest day from running. Some friends invited us to go to a local "bounce warehouse" type place. We got a group rate, and Isaac had the time of his life at the indoor bounce for almost 2.5 hours! Check out his feet as he gets to the bottom of this big slide. So cute!

Today I headed to my old neighborhood for four miles. They were pretty awesome! The best part, though, was being able to knock on a running friend's door for an "emergency running potty break." Gotta love runner friends - they always accommodate because they know how it is.

Here is my fearless little monkey at the park with Chasen, giving me an hour or so of "peace."
This has been one of those weeks where I feel like I have done it all. I guess most are that way for a stay-at-home-mom, but some are more monumental than others. The coming week is projected to be a lot calmer. Famous last words...
First off, Isaac looks SO ready, happy and big! So glad he had a great first day!
Also- you are mighty talented...that cheesecake looks beautiful and is so creative!
Hope the throat feels better soon :)
hey wats up i really loved your blog you should check my blog out:
Such a cute video on the slide. And wow...that is an awesome cheesecake!!!!
Hi. Just want to give you a heads up that someone is stealing your images and passing them off as their own for their business. The company is Simply Diplicious, here is the link to their facebook.
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