Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Isaac's School Program

Today was a big day for us. After much anticipation, I got to go to Isaac's preschool for their "Springtime Showcase," i.e. school program. Just like last time, unfortunately, Chasen is traveling in Asia. Ugh! In May, for Isaac's first ever program, I recruited a video recorder and a girlfriend to accompany me and use it in hopes that Chasen could "catch up" when he returned. Well, we had been having a rough time of it and  basically Isaac just stood there and cried. No bueno. So, today I recorded most of the show with my iPhone. And I did what any good mother would do: I bribed him with the promise of a new toy to participate. And boy did he deliver! Feast your eyes on these. He's the first boy on the right.  

I'm so proud of my big boy! He really did a great job up there. Now I wish I had recorded the whole shebang!

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