After that I decided to get back on the horse. Otherwise, marathon #6 just might not happen. So, according to my Hanson-inspired training schedule, I headed out for an 8-miler that Thursday after dropping Isaac off at his Thursday Mother's Day Out (which is not his 'normal' MDO, where I usually start my runs from... this one is just for this spring). I had never ran from there, but figured it would be alright. Well... it just wasn't my day. It was super-duper hilly, and I just had nothing to give. Fortunately, I was doing an out-and-back. I did cover the 8 miles, but a lot of it was spent walking. Ugh.
I really contemplated throwing in the towel after that. Seriously. Just pack it in and not run for months! You'll be happy to know that by that evening I had come to my senses. The next day I did 10 miles and was super successful. I even noted it as 'excellent' on my Buckeye Outdoors training log.
Saturday recovery runs have not been happening for me. Sorry, Hansons! The next day was my 6th wedding anniversary and I had too much going on, both anniversary-ish and not. And guess what happened that Monday: Chasen headed to China for work! Again. For 12 days. Ack!
So now I am in "I must run while Isaac is at MDO or I don't run" mode. I have been pretty successful, at least this first week of single motherhood.
On Tuesday I ran 10 miles. It was tough because I had a headache for most of it, but I managed to average 13:29 per mile. Not terrible. On Wednesday, sans MDO, Isaac and I headed to the park. I was supposed to do 6 miles, but I didn't figure that would happen. As it turned out, it was so windy that I only lasted 1.95 miles. Ick. On the upside, Isaac got to enjoy the playground! On Thursday I ran 6 miles at 12:41 per mile average. I ran through some new areas, so it was successful by many degrees. Then on Friday came the mother of all Hanson-inspired training runs: the 16 miler. It was h-o-t and humid. 16 turned into 15 and it was all I could do to average 13:52. You know me - I picked a very hilly course. I walked quite a bit toward the end.
This week, with a bit of extra walking added to the training runs, I logged 33.50 miles. For a 'single mama' I think that is incredible (and I don't usually toot my own horn). They weren't all pretty, but I did it and I am proud. I have a bit of a head cold now, but I think I can forge ahead this next week. If I do... I believe I'll be making a trip to Willard, Missouri for marathon #6 at the end of this month!
As for Chasen, his stay in China is as busy as the last, if not worst. But the sweet guy did go to the market in Shanghai yesterday to purchase these for me: (photo via Skype)
You're awesome! You go girl!
Hang in there! You can do it!!!! =)
Holy Day Planner Bat girl! Can you BE everywhere at once! WOW!
That FInisher's Medal is ALMOST as cool as the Wooden Flying Monkey Medal and 1000x heavier!
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