Why does life seem to pile up on us? Ugh. Here's the story.
After Isaac's round of eye infections, which he passed on to me in one eye, I skipped my run on Wednesday because it was his birthday and he was home from school. By his bedtime I was too worn out to face Teddy Tready. So be it, life goes on. He was able to go to preschool on Thursday, so my 4-mile walk happened. By Friday my bad eye was much better! On Saturday I was only slated for four miles of speedwork. We were in much need of some quality family time, so I opted to put it off until the afternoon or evening. It didn't happen.

By Saturday evening my eye had relapsed. Ugh! It's always painful in the beginning. So I skipped church on Sunday morning to get some rest. Literally the only thing that helps the eye is being able to keep it closed, i.e. sleeping.
I was going to do those measly four miles on Sunday if it killed me, because Monday being President's Day meant no preschool (thus no easy running). I got out and was 'out for blood'. My left hip, which has been giving me fits for over a month, let me know that I just HAD to stop. Well, Ms. Hip and I had a talk and compromised to just slow down (funny how I always win). I got home and I was in such severe pain. I literally could not walk upstairs. I took a hot bath, applied Biofreeze, took ibuprofen, and I even got a bit of a massage from Chasen. Still miserable! And -- this is the kicker -- now my other eye was feeling bad. [If you're counting at home, we're up to left, left, and now right.] Calgon, take me away!
So today, President's Day, Chasen headed out to travel for work for the first time in 60 days. Isaac and I headed to his 3-year-old checkup. The good news is that he is a big, healthy boy! 90th percentile for height and 75th percentile for weight. The bad news is that the pediatrician thinks he needs to have his frenulum (the membrane that connects your tongue to the bottom of your mouth) snipped, which is an outpatient procedure. I am NOT looking forward to that.
Isaac accompanied me to the dentist, and then this afternoon he accompanied me to the chiropractor. My hip had left me limping all day, even though it felt a tiny bit better than yesterday, so something had to be done... and I am very much pro-chiropractor. It seems that --duh!-- I was out of alignment. Get this: my left leg was shorter than my right leg! Dr. T took care of that in about five minutes, and I will return in a few days for a follow-up adjustment. Yay!
I am very proud of my big, well-mannered boy for doing such a good job going with me to doctor's appointments today. He also did great when we went to my eye doctor last week. I may be falling apart, but at least Isaac isn't stressing me out when he goes with me to see just how badly I am falling apart! And my foot, by the way, is feeling fine. Thank heaven for small favors.
I am set to run on Wednesday prior to my next adjustment. I hope I am feeling better. At least I know I'll be feeling better after the run! And hopefully my eye will clear up so I will look less like an alien. Here's hoping!
1 comment:
How are you doing? Hope your hip and eyes are much better!!!! -Heather
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