I am loving the Galloway training plan. Granted, you train for about twenty years for one race, but it fits in very nicely with my busy life. As you can see, I have lots to do!

So, "only" having to run for less that an hour most days is quite handy. How on earth would I otherwise get to my chiropractor and optometrist appointments?
Seriously, though, my hip is 100%. Now I am having the chiro work on my problematic right foot. You know, the one that led me to go and get my new shoes laced in an odd way after having to go and get new orthotics after having to go to the orthopaedist about my pains. Note to self: next time just go straight to the chiro. This has been a worrisome, costly issue for four months!
My eyes cleared up just over two weeks ago. Yay! That was NO FUN. Today, however, one is flaring up again. I do believe I am turning into an old lady and I DO NOT like it. On the bright side, the eye doctor is nearby and very nice.
Two weeks ago I ran seventeen miles. It went GREAT! As I said, Galloway is awesome. I get out there and cover the distance without any worries. Walk-run is for me, I tell ya! In fact, when I do twenty miles in another week, I think I am going to try the 30:30 method. Everyone seems to rave about that.
There are 58 days until marathon #7. Yay! Chasen's fifth business trip to China is in 9 days. Boo! His sixth trip to China is in 59 days. Yep - that's right - he leaves the day after I return from the Flying Pig Marathon. No rest for the weary!
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