Thursday, August 24, 2006

Run #6 - Tempo At Last

Due to a lack of sleep much worse than the previous night, I woke up feeling ultra-exhausted. But I was not about to miss my run! I was out the door pre-dawn. I opted for the hilly route I triumphed over last Friday, but modified it a bit. I'm proud; I only stopped once at the turn-around point (and turned off my Garmin for about 60 seconds before continuing my run).

I must say... I finished the last half super strong! I even sprinted towards the invisible finish line at a pace of 8:53 (which is far faster than normal). So, to be so tired, I did quite well today! I should have run yesterday, because I'm sure I won't be tired today after my run. I sure was tired yesterday for the first half of the day after skipping the run.

My favorite podcast yesterday was about the importance of those in our lives who support our running and how it affects them. I need to really, really express my gratitude to my wonderful husband. He puts up with me going to bed extremely early, planning weekend activities around longruns, passing up delicious food for healthier options, and so much more. THANK YOU!!! I love you!!!


Anonymous said...

Susan is the health and fitness leader in our house. She routinely amazes and inspires all of her friends with her commitment to live a healthy life. Thank you Susan for trying to turn this couch potato into a health nut.

Unknown said...

YAY! to Susan for getting out of bed.

YAY! to Susan's husband for supporting Susan.

That is a pretty quick pace there, great job.

I should have run yesterday, because I'm sure I won't be tired today after my run.
Never, under estimate the benefits of a rest day! NEVER!