Thursday, December 21, 2006

No Running Today

It is official. The holiday season has finally "got me." My office Christmas party was last night, and I did not get home until after 11 PM! So, I decided to not try to be superhuman and run 5 miles this morning on nothing but exhaustion and fumes of eggnog. I'm taking the day off from running! I may or may not make up the run tomorrow. We shall see. Thankfully, I get off work at noon on Friday (a first). I'm pretty sure I'll spend that time going to the grocery store for Christmas dinner supplies.


fab3 said...

lay off the eggnog signed'happy.dr

MarathonChris said...

Hey, no worries. I was supposed to run today but I was up late catching up with gift wrapping so I could ship stuff to my nieces and nephews in time for Christmas (hooray for cheap fedex from the office). Then, we were going to the Magic Kingdom today but hubby was sick so I took the kids shopping instead. Another day bust by the holiday.

I will be out tomorrow morning to make it up, but no need to fret (therefore, you either). It happens sometimes. Just don't give up the long run and all will be well :-)

Nigelrunner said...


Best of luck getting out again straight after the holiday !

If I can stay away from those mince pies, I might be OK.
