Sunday, April 22, 2007

SF10 TR #14, DNF

SF10 Miles Trained To Date: 85.75
DNF = Did Not Finish
Let me start from the beginning. The extreme beginning. On Friday I was listening to Phedippidations for the second time already; the running of the Boston Marathon. I got so fired up that I was yearning to be out there running mile 22 with Steve! I was asking myself "Why are you putting off your next marathon for so long?" I had such a strong desire to run one... I was contemplating signing up for the Arkansas Marathon. It takes place on September 29th right here in Benton! Right in my own backyard!
So yesterday morning I was to run 10 miles. I knew that I had the entire morning to accomplish it because I didn't have to leave home until 1 PM to go to Chasen's company bowling extravaganza (and did anyone know that I used to be in a bowling league ages ago? It's true - I have my own shoes and bowling ball!) Somehow, the run just didn't happen. I thought "Oh well, I'll just do it tomorrow morning." No problem there. Well Saturday night there wasn't much happening around my house, so I decided to relax with my iPod. I was AGAIN listening to Fdip and getting fired up AGAIN to go ahead and sign up for marathon #2. The next thing I knew, I had made it to mile 22 with Steve and had fallen asleep (it was getting late). I woke up at about midnight and could not get back to sleep until 4 AM. There went my hope to get up and run at 6 AM to beat the heat! While I was up in the middle of the night, though, I did my research on the Arkansas Marathon. I kind of made a list of pros and cons about it.
Last year there were 38 marathon participants (and about 40+ 20K participants). Based on last year's finishing times, I would have come in next-to-last place. At first I counted that as a con, but then I changed my mind about that. Who cares about that! I'm running the race to beat MYSELF and no one else. By golly! Another con would be a lack of crowd support. With such few participants, I wouldn't have people cheering me on every half mile. But I could probably do just fine without that (or so I think). I'd have to train through the heat of the summer... but I'd be training for the Worldwide Half Marathon anyway (and I'd count my half-marathon time towards that). It would probably be an out-and-back course. Ick.
I'd know the course very well, because it's part of my training ground. It's almost all FLAT (unlike the Little Rock Marathon). It's right here in Benton. It starts at 6:30 AM (beating the heat!) Chasen may or may not be able to see me through various parts of the course (but at least he wouldn't be freezing to death like at this year's Little Rock Marathon). And I'd get that marathon high again before next year. I'd be in "marathon shape" in the fall.
Now that's a list, I'd say. I know what you're thinking: "She's going to do it." I am definitely thinking about it! I know for sure that marathon training made me the happiest I can remember being in a very long time!
Back to the story. So, I didn't sleep until 4 AM, then I slept very, very late. After doing a few hours worth of lawn work and some housecleaning, I decided tat I MUST get out there to run 10 by 6 PM. And that's exactly what I did. First my iPod pooped out - and I was extremely excited to listen to the new Running Adventures podcast by Marathon Chris. So I went music-less. Before I even finished mile 1, I got a side stitch. I realized that it was more like a girdle stitch, because it seemed to go all the way around the front of me. OUCH! I walked a bunch after the first mile to see if it would go away. I then ran mile 2 and had to do the same routine. I decided to turn around at mile 2.5 and call it a 5-mile day. After completing mile 3 I decided to call for rescue from Chasen. I just wasn't feeling it. I wasn't feeling well, and I decided that today just wasn't meant to be. I felt like a loser... but at the same time I did not. I was kind of at peace with the decision to come home early. When Chasen arrived he astutely stated that I just don't really enjoy late runs. Boy is he right! He pointed out that I have been so successful in my after work runs probably because I have time to focus on it towards the end of the work day, i.e. get jazzed up about it. The postponed weekend runs end up feeling like something I HAVE to do instead of something I WANT to do. Yep - that's hitting the nail on the head. So here are my splits:
Mile 1: 11:18
Mile 2: 10:58
Mile 3: 11:34
Total: 33:53
Average: 11:17 per mile, 167 beats per minute
After he picked me up, we went to the grocery store. As he ran in for a few items, I waited in the car and scrolled through previous runs on my Garmin. Man oh man have I improved! I was so proud to know what I am now capable of vs. what I used to be able to do. So I am chalking today up to self-realization. Not a bad way to spend a gorgeous Sunday.


Dawn said...

Good for you! I like how you found the positive side of everything and noted that you are still improving! Go Susan!!!

Maddy said...

I think we all have weekends like that. Where it turns into something you have to do rather than something you want to do. I am not a big fan of the long run hanging over my head late Sunday afternoon.

Before you sign up for Arkansas Marathon check this one out:

*Girls Rule*

I'll have more info Thursday or Friday

ShirleyPerly said...

Every one has "bad" days in their running and timing is definitely a factor for me. Way to go keeping things in perspective.

The smallest marathon I've done had about 50 people in it, but there were 1/2 marathoners & 5K folks so it seemed more crowded on the first loop of the 2 loop course. If you train alone like I usually do, having few other runners and crowds to cheer you on probably won't be a big deal. Good luck deciding which one to do!

MarathonChris said...

I am with everyone else - there are good weekends and bad weekends. Don't let your run make up your mind for the marathon.

You have been doing so well lately, go easy on yourself and keep getting fired up for the next big race! :-)

Unknown said...

Smart for ending your workout early... if it "didn't feel right" that's a good sign to stop, especially when it's a training run.

Lack of crowd support is bigger than lack of other runners, in my opinion.