Monday, April 23, 2007

SF10 TR #15, A Complete 180

SF10 Miles Trained To Date: 90.75

GOOD MORNING! Yes, it is just that. After yesterday's debacle, I decided that enough is enough. I had to take back control of my running, getting back into "my zone." So I set my clock for 5:15 AM (sound familiar?) and headed out to my favorite 5-mile loop to do a tempo run. It was so pleasant out there! Even though the temp was supposedly 72, it felt much cooler. It was a little bit muggy, but FAR better than evening conditions.

The run turned out to be a little too slow because I seemed to get side stitches every mile. Nonetheless, I was ecstatic to be out there and I am proud!

Mile 1: 11:17
Mile 2: 12:19
Mile 3: 12:59
Mile 4: 11:44
Mile 5: 11:36
Total: 59:58
Average: 12:00 per mile, 162 beats per minute

Even though I had to do a ton of walking, I am on cloud nine.


ShirleyPerly said...

Yay! Glad to hear today's run went better.

Do you often get side stitches? It's often related to how you breathe, I've heard. Funny thing, the only time I've gotten side stitches recently is when I was fastwalking a 5K with my husband. I never get them when running (of course, now I probably will having said that ;-)

CewTwo said...


I love the hopnesty in your blog. I just can't wait to read the new entries. Thanks for sharing!

I ran yesterday for 10 miles! It seemed so effortless for me. I got on the treadmill this morning and got my 5 1/2 miles in but it seemed tedious. Knowing what to do, I changed to rock music with a great pace rhythm and finished it!

It was fun after all!

Maddy said...

Shirley's theory I had not heard before. I always associated them with eating too close to running.

I have also heard a lack of hydration can cause them.


If you don't mind fundraising you can still get into San Fran. It's a Team in Training event.

MarathonChris said...

I have heard the lack of hydration argument for the side stitches. I haven't had any issues with them so far (I am knocking on my head).

Glad you had a great run!

Petraruns said...

Hey Susan - well done on getting back in there! Stitches are annoying but I've found slowing down and concentrating on my breathing (slowing that down as well and trying to breathe more deeply) usually gets rid of them pretty quickly.. I'm watching to see what goal you pick next - there's nothing like it to get you out of bed. And I'm a terrible evening runner as well - much better at 5am than 7pm..

Irish Blue said...

I get those sometimes too and it's really annoying. I didn't know about the hydration thing.

Hang in there girl!

mrjwhit~ said...

Glad you were able to tackle the workout today. Great work. I don't have a side stitch remedy.