Thursday, May 31, 2007

Miles Are Miles

Or at least that is my opinion while trying to achieve the Tinkoff 1000! Tonight I ran a whopping 1.75 miles for the "sole" purpose of having a nice round number for the month of May: 30 miles. It was nice to get out there after a few days off. My left hamstring is a bit sore, but sometimes it is good to "feel the burn" a bit. It makes me feel like I have done something!


Maddy said...

I will admit that I have also run odd numbers to even things out for the week or the month.

That's too funny!

And Miles are Miles. It's 1.75 miles further than you had yesterday...

Irish Blue said...

Hey, most people don't run 30 miles a's all good!

MarathonChris said...

Every mile counts! :-)

CewTwo said...

You know, I run odd amounts at times to even out the score. It is just one of those things.

Don't forget to sign up for the Phedippidations World-Wide Half-Marathon. It is time! His 100th show is about to be published. What a great podcast!

Have I told you that as of today, I have 890 miles completed in 2007?

21 days to go to my very first half-marathon! BTW... I ran intervals today. It is building my endurance no matter how much I may form a negative opinion about needing to do them!


Cory said...

So right, miles are miles. Keeping at it is very important.