Thursday, May 10, 2007

Recovery - I hope!

I have been taking it easy. Dare say, I feel better! I woke up feeling almost normal today. I am not 100%, but I am getting close. So I will rest today and tomorrow. I plan to attack my last 10-mile longrun on Saturday with a vengeance - or at least the best I can. :)


CewTwo said...

Good for you! Take care of yourself!

Have I told you (today) that I have only 2 more days to my very first 5K race?

Maddy said...

Take your rest and enjoy it as best you can.

You'll be ready and happier you took the rest on Saturday

Kevin said...

Glad you are feeling better Susan. Isn't it a pain when you feel bad and have to take time off, then your mind plays games on you? Why can't we runners just take time off from time to time without that guilty feeling?
Good luck tomorrow with the 10 miler!

ShirleyPerly said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better. But listen to your body carefully tomorrow. Better to take it easy and/or cut the run short than to weaken yourself and get sick again, possibly worse next time (which is what happened to me last year because I didn't follow to my own advice).

Good luck!

Irish Blue said...

Racing really takes it out of you. Take it easy and let your body recover. You've earned it.

nylisa said...

Feel better! Have a good run next Saturday!