Monday, July 30, 2007


Total Miles Trained For Elijah: 54

This morning at 5 AM it was raining and thundering here, so I rolled over and went back to sleep. As the heat of the day made its presence known, I sat at work wishing that I had run in the rain! What an opportunity that could have been. Oh well.

Around here the sun goes down at 8:30. So I aimed to head outdoors no later than 7:15 to run 6 easy miles. I have to say that my run tonight was the best one I've had in over a week. I did an out-and-back course, and every step of the way I was hoping for rain. I even left my ipod at home in preparation. No such luck, though.

During mile 4, I unfortunately saw a mama dog get hit by a truck. I have said it before, and I'll say it again: I have no clue why people let their dogs roam free.

Mile 1: 11:35
Mile 2: 11:20
Mile 3: 11:33
Mile 4: 11:50
Mile 5: 12:36
Mile 6: 12:18
Total: 1:11:15
Average: 11:53 per mile, 174 beats per minute

As I was walking towards my house, Chasen came driving towards me. How nice! It was getting dark and he was concerned. It is certainly NOT my preference to run after work, but sometimes sacrifices have to be made! Ha.

I took an absolutely cool shower and still proceeded to sweat for at least 20 minutes. Yuck! Tomorrow will be a dry day... um - I mean rest day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent work on the run!