Sunday, July 01, 2007

Sunday Serenity

This morning I got out there for an easy run through my neighborhood. I ran two miles. I was listening to the Dump Runner's Club. Matt was discussing his running goals for this year. He also discussed not running in over 90% humidity. Afterwards I checked online, and the humidity in my area was around 70%. So I was safe!

Last night and today I have been enjoying my once-per-month treat: Runner's World Magazine! When Chasen brings it in from the mailbox, he gives me this look of "See ya in a few days!" because he knows that I am going to go and read it cover-to-cover. Of special interest to me was the feature on running in the heat and the special feature about always wearing sunscreen. I get lazy with that one... but NO MORE. So I sprayed it on before I headed out this morning. I chose to run in my neighborhood partially because it is shaded in spots. Less sun is better! And, of course, I wore my Elijah band.

It was a good 2-miler. 11:01 and 10:27 were my splits, to my surprise. I thought the heat was holding me back. I guess I should have monitored the Garmin more and went slower. Oh well; now I will relax with RW as it pours rain outside.


Maddy said...

Nice run!

I also look forward to getting Runner's World in the mail. I hate it when it's done and I have to wait a few more weeks for a new one...

ShirleyPerly said...

Glad you are back to running! I know it's pretty tough these days with the heat and humidity but if you take the proper precautions I think those H's can make you a stronger runner just like hills can. Then when you run in cooler weather, like at your next 5K probably, it will feel much easier.

Enjoy reading RW!

MarathonChris said...

Welcome back to the road....I had a subscription to RW but apparently it ran out. I need to go get one soon!!! :-)

CewTwo said...

Yep! Runner's World came! I was busy reading it this weekend!

I ran Saturday without sunscreen. Geez, what a mistake! I am still red and hurting! Don't touch my arm!!

Cory said...

The goal is to run so fast that the sun cannot get you ;) Same here on getting my RW, it must be in the obsession of running.

Irish Blue said...

I got my RW too and read that article. I always use sunscreen on my face, but I need to start using it on my arms and legs too.