Friday, September 28, 2007

Fit Camp, Night #2

First of all, Happy Birthday to Coach Terry! And good luck to him in the Big South Fork 17.5 Mile Trail Run this weekend!

So Fit Camp was good tonight. I got there prepared to tell Tonya that I was not going to do anything that resembled a lunge. But she was not there! Her husband, DD, was running the show. That threw me for a loop and I let the class start as I stood there mute. He made a point to tell everyone that if something was causing pain, they were to take it easy or stop doing it. Great! It seemed that we weren't going to do any lunges at all... but then it happened. So I just went to the back of the group and ran in place.

We did a bit of running. Well, we ran to the end of the parking lot and back several times. After all that we went back indoors for ab work and stretching. We even ended ten minutes early!

Tomorrow I am volunteering for the Arkansas Marathon and Arkansas 20k. They begin and end at the Benton High School -- a mere 3 miles from my house. I will be working the registration and the finish line. I am very excited! Maybe I can get some good photos.


Maddy said...

I think it's exciting that you're volunteering at the marathon tomorrow.

I have been thinking about volunteering at the Disney Marathon.

I'm glad that you're taking it easy with your hammy while still hanging tough at Fit Camp. It will get better.

Anonymous said...

I'm excited to hear how it goes!

MarathonChris said...

Great that fit camp is going so well. Hope working the marathon goes well today!