Friday, September 14, 2007

My Week Thus Far

My week started out rainy, so I missed a run. Then it switched to me being very busy and tired. So I missed a run. I am still on target to run 15 with Annette on Sunday. I am very excited!

What has been wonderful about my week is that I have started reading the following amazing book:
You wouldn't think that a book about a bit more than 2 hours of activity would be so riveting... but OH IT IS! It chronicles the 1982 Boston Marathon -- i.e. Dick Beardsley vs. Alberto Salazar. It is wonderful.


Unknown said...

My in-race thinking

"What Would Salazar Do?"

peter said...

Dick Beardsley spoke at the pre-race dinner before the George Washington Parkway Classic 10-Miler this year in DC. Bex went, I wish I had. She said it was riveting, that he wistfully said, If only I'da won instead of barely losing. He was very gracious. After that he had an amazing life, several terrible acidents which led to a pain-killer addiction, come-backs etc. He (and Salazar) are truly inspirational.

(Bex took 8 minutes off her 10-mile time, I slipped backwards a minute and a half but still had my 2d best time.)

Iron Jayhawk said...

OOooh...I'll have to pick that book up. It looks really good...

Have fun knocking out 15 miles tomorrow!

MarathonChris said...

Hope you had a good 15 miler today!!

Irish Blue said...

That sounds like a great book. Keep me posted.

Good luck with the 15-miler.