Tuesday, September 04, 2007

RFE TR #26

Total Miles Trained For Elijah: 191

Yesterday was a major rest day for me. I just lounged around all day. Then towards the late afternoon the rain came. Finally! It just poured. Our lawn might look less brown now. Ha!

I went to bed after devouring the last written word in Runner's World. Chasen said "You need another subscription to another running magazine so you'll have something to read the other 27 days of the month" or something like that. Ha! I woke up before my alarm, so I knew today's run was meant to be. I pressed the start button at 4:58 AM. Apparently it rained throughout the night, or there was just a ton of dew. Either way, it was very, very moist out there. Ugh.

I did my typical 8-mile run: 2 neighborhoods, downtown, industrial area, finish in my neighborhood. I only wish I could remember all of the thoughts I had out there (the good ones, anyway). Running sans-ipod makes for thought-provoking mornings!

It was a pretty decent run, I must say. I did not walk or stop very much. But I now have a new rule: any run over 5 miles is apparently going to require food at some point. I was starved before mile 6. Strange! This is a recent development. Here are my splits: 12:21, 13:09, 13:00, 12:20 (flatter downtown), 13:04, 12:03, 12:14, 13:10 (uphill to my street).

It's all a matter of perspective... sometimes this record would discourage me. Today, however, it looks great to me. :)


CewTwo said...

Some days are made for a run! You hit one of those!

I agree about "energy replenishment." I doubt I could eat, but "GU" or another energy food does help. I have taken to running with Gatorade recently to assist in keeping the power!

Keep it up! In my eyes you are a superstar!

peter said...

When I do mileage around my house, I plan various distances that lead back to my house before I go in a different direction. For instance, I have a five mile loop, then I might stop in my driveway where I have laid out some food or gatorade in my unlocked car, devour it, then set off on a different three mile loop. I have more than one way into my neighborhood. I get my eight miles in, it's all different and I have replenished myself. Works for me. Nice splits.

Unknown said...

Try "Running Times" for the more seasoned runner and "Running Journal" for the Southeastern Runner

Petraruns said...

Hey there - you're right back into it aren't you! Well done - 8 after 17 ain't bad at all and good splits for an easy run as well. The food thing - I know! When I have shorter runs I bring stuff I like (like granola bars) rather than gels as they are more of a treat (unless you like gels in which case you are a lucky girl).. but you know - listen to your body. If you're hungry - you need fuel.

Maddy said...

Great run today!

During my last long run I split a CLIF bar into two and ate each half at a different time.

Fueling is relatively new to me and I wonder how I got by without in the past.

Irish Blue said...

Susan, just curious if you eat before you run. Anyway, after 6 miles, I need fluid and usually some food too.

Nice run girl!

Susan said...

I ALWAYS eat before longruns. I eat oatmeal and drink 16 oz. of water. Then I down a powerbar of some sort before I head out.

Before non-longruns, though, I do not usually eat. I've never had to! If I wake up ravenous (which I occasionally do) I'll eat a slice of bread before a short run.

But this is about to change!

ShirleyPerly said...

I think eating at least 200-300 calories for breakfast will make a big difference. Your glycogen levels get depleted overnight and so running w/o breakfast is bound to make you hungry. And with the long run you did the day before, the levels may have been even lower than usual to begin with before you went to sleep.