Coach Terry has altered my marathon training schedule from here to St. Jude's. I'll now run 3 times per week instead of 4 to reduce the wear and tear (pardon the pun) to the ankle. And you know what? I am OVER my pipe dream of training a zillion more miles this time around... after all, many people say you should train as short of distances as possible, as slowly as possible. I have grand visions for my marathon day, and I am confident that it will be an amazing experience.
Run, my friends, run!
Good Luck Susan! I hope all goes well! :)
Go Susan!!! Be careful with your ankle, but have a great run! We love you for doing this in Eli's honor.. He is so tickled!
Have a great run Susan!! You should have beautiful weather for it!!
I'm officially on Team Elijah via the website! I'm ready to Rock and ROLL!
Good luck tomorrow - and take care of yourself!
Best of luck! There's a RW marathon training program that is based on running 3 times a week. When I looked at it recently, I noticed it was very similar to what I did (3 so-called key running workouts plus XT). To me, the best training program is one that I can do without killing myself and still have fun doing the other things I like to do.
Have a great race / run this weekend for Team Elijah!!!!
I hope your run is going well!
I can't wait for the details!
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