Monday, December 03, 2007

Ice Bath Aftermath

I can't speak highly enough of the ice bath experience. Directly afterwards I felt "OK," in lieu of "as slow as a hurt turtle." The day after I was a bit sore -- but hey, I ran 26.2 miles! And today, two days after, I am feeling OK.

One day after my first marathon I had to take the back stairs out of my work and OUCH!!! I thought I was going to die! Today, however, 2 days after my second marathon, I purposely took the back stairs and had NO PAIN. Hooray! A big thank you to Shirley for encouraging me so much to do the ice bath!

Would you believe that my Garmin time matched the official race results exactly? Yep!

So all is well today. I am looking ahead. I am enjoying the "downtime" and pondering the future! A coworker asked me if I'd do the same marathon next year. As of now my answer is no... only because there are several other marathons that I can do as a St. Jude Hero... and why not experience all there is to enjoy? Austin, Atlanta, Chicago, Marine Corps... the list is long!

I can't thank everyone enough for all of the encouragement. You guys are amazing!


Maddy said...

I'm happy to hear the ice bath worked for you! You, my dear, are braver than I!

I can't wait to hear what's next for you!

MarathonChris said...

Our expert Shirley also recommends that in the early recovery days, going down the stairs backwards can sometimes be easier.

Enjoy your recovery! Looking forward to hearing about your next adventure.

ShirleyPerly said...

Yes, ice is your friend when it comes to running marathons. I still make mistakes, however, like racing too hard before a marathon (doh!) so I wouldn't consider myself an expert but every race is a learning experience.

Enjoy your recovery and I'm so excited for you looking at all those races for the future!

Petraruns said...

Ice is nice honey, ice is your friend! I just go and stand in our unheated pool or our waterbutt - it's a bit slimy but it works... Can't wait to see what's next for you.

Kelly said...

Glad to hear the ice bath works. I will have to remember that if and when I finish the big 26.2 miles. Enjoy your recovery.

Anonymous said...

it was a painful conversion but i too am a big believer in the healing properties of the ice bath. good to see i'm not the only crazy one.