Monday, December 31, 2007

Wrapping Up 2007

I have managed to get in seven sessions with the personal trainer in the month of December. I am loving every minute of it (except the one-time passing out thing...) Today was upper body. Ouch! Tonya commented that my arms were firmer. Yee-haw!

Tomorrow Chasen and I are going to run a solid mile together, or so we plan. We have been walking in the evenings with some occasional running mixed in, but never more than about a half mile. He'd like for me to do more with him, but I am a resting fuddy-duddy. Once he commented that he wished he could run as consistently as I can. Translation: he wished he could run as slowly as I can. HA! But he said, which is true, he starts out at warp speed then tires out... kind of like a 5K race. Whereas I try to hold strong for the duration... like a distance run. So tomorrow we'll start the year off right by running strongly yet consistently. That is a good mantra for the whole year.

Tonight we plan to hang with our pal Elijah. Maybe... just maybe... I can get some audio from that little rockstar!


CewTwo said...

That sounds like a great resolution for the new year!

What a great decision!

Susan said...

That's great that you & Chasen do those walks, and not to mention having each other!

Happy New Year, sweetie!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year!!!

Petraruns said...

Running together is fabulous - we're starting to do it as well and it's great. And I think the key to succesful running is working out that you don't go out too fast .. took me a while to work that one out but it's what worked for me. You could buy him one of the John Bingham books - they're very encouraging for beginning runners!

Happy new 2008 - I hope to run one of your marathons with you this year!

Irish Blue said...

Can't wait to hear all of the great audio you'll be creating now that you have all of the latest gadgets.

Happy New Year!

Conchens said...

GO Chasen!!!Woooo pig- Sooooieeee!!! (See what I still remember from Soosan's teachings?)


Unknown said...

My husband is doing the couch to 5k program (week 4 this coming week. He says so far that he doesn't like the running part but enjoys the time with me. I'm hoping the love for running will bite him by the time he completes the program. By the way you're my inspiration for starting my blog, been reading yours since late summer.

Nicole said...

That's great that you are both running together. What a good way to start the year.

Happy New Year!

P.S. can't wait to hear Susancast