Thursday, October 30, 2008

Changing, Growing, Adapting

I have been super busy with work (which is a blessing for someone self-employed) so I really, really needed to get out for some mileage at the end of the day yesterday. I was stressed about a newly-discovered problem (which I have since solved). I have just about decided to do "mileage" every other day, and in between I'll "saunter" a bit to prevent swelling in my preggo feet. It works! I am chained to my desk, and that is not good for my feet. So I need all the movement I can get.

Chasen went out with me. I was all would up and walking very, very fast (like sub 15). I hurt everywhere from the knees down, as is my current pattern. I slowed by about a half mile into it, and Chasen went ahead a ran a bit. By the time I made it to the one mile mark I was just spent. Phew! So we very slowly made it home.

On Tuesday I had an appointment with my obstetrician. All is well. Next time I go in (on my birthday, no less) I have to drink some probably-nasty stuff an hour ahead of time so they can then test my sugar levels. Happy Birthday to me.

Here I am today in my new "uniform": maternity clothes and running shoes.

I have targeted a potential 5K for 3 weeks from now. It's another night race that I'll do with Lisa. I love a plan!


Road Warrior said...

Wow, Susan. You look amazing! Glad to hear that all is well and you're still hitting the roads!

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed you get out and train like that.

(Word of advice, you may want to bring some protein for after the test. The liquid isn't so bad just really really sweet.)

Nicole said...

Lookin' Good Running Mama!

I had to do a 4 hour glucose test, it wasn't fun, and I really needed FOOD and lots of it quick at the end. Good Luck

Lisa said...

You look great in your "uniform" I too had the wonderful opportunity to drink the sickeningly sweet goo when I was pregnant. Bring plenty to read -- the boredom was the worst part for me. They tested me b/c the morning of my previous appt, I ate a pop tart for breakfast. When they asked me what I ate for breakfast, I may have led them to believe it was something a little more healthy. After being bored to tears at my glucose tolerence test & drinking way more sugar in one sitting than I would in a week, I learned a valuable lesson. If you're going to be naughty enough to eat a pop tart for breakfast (the baby made me do it!) you should at least own up to it (the baby made me do it) Ian's favorite breakfast food @ 10 yrs -- yep! Pop Tarts!

ShirleyPerly said...

Susan, you look wonderful. And I think a lot of folks would envy you because you can wear comfy clothes and shoes to work in, as opposed to suits and dressy shoes.

Great to hear you have another 5K coming up!

Tammy said...

You look great.... I was huge with my kids I don't know how I moved around so much hee hee. Good for you on hitting the road, keep up the great work and thanks for my Elijah Band... :D I wear it all the time.

Tammy said...

You look great.... I was huge with my kids I don't know how I moved around so much hee hee. Good for you on hitting the road, keep up the great work and thanks for my Elijah Band... :D I wear it all the time.

Irish Blue said...

I remember that icky sugar test.

You look great! Walk-on momma!

Petraruns said...

You really do look fabulous - enjoy it!