As they say, "It's always something." Not to grumble too much, but I have a new pregnancy-related 'ailment' each day. It's a known fact that pregnant women are more clumsy than their previous non-pregnant selves. Yesterday morning I whacked my right hand into a door knob. In all fairness, I've always done that kind of stuff... just not watching where I'm going! But last night the whack finally caught up with me. My hand started hurting for "no apparent reason." See, you also can't remember diddly when pregnant. But it finally hit me... then it all made sense. So my hand hurt, but I'll live. Then as I went to bed my left calf and foot ached like crazy. A combination of standing, stretching and two Tylenol finally made it better. Woe is me! 58 more days of this...
This morning I eagerly met
Lisa at the park. It was 68 degrees when I was getting ready, and I just prayed that I could somehow fit into the one pair of shorts that MIGHT fit. They did. Hooray! So, 2 days after Christmas, we braved the heat and ferocious wind. I'm afraid we might have a tornado later! So hot and windy - yikes.
I did 5.85 miles. I'll be sore later (or NOW, truth be told) but I feel great about it. And what is the real miracle is that I did not have to make ANY pit stops. Can you believe that? I can not. That gives me great hope for my upcoming 10K, which only has restrooms at the start and finish. I attribute this 'miracle' to my pre-walk breakfast, as that is the only factor that has changed. I normally eat oatmeal prepared with milk, but today I was out so I had a PB&J. Who knows - maybe that is really what did it!
Coach Terry and I at the Rutledge Marathon back in November. It was very windy that day, too.
The wind today is ferocious!! I was getting knocked sideways this morning on my bicycle. Be careful!!!
Sorry about your hand and muscle aches. It's getting really close though, so hang in there.
The wind is crazy here too, but it's like 62 degrees out, so I'm not complaining. I have all of my windows open and stuff is blowing around like we're in Kansas!
One thing about it, you are the most active pregnant woman I have known. Hang in there, won't be long and you will be running around chasing a little one!
We were singing that song "Against the wind" this morning when we did the Rhaling Road route with the Little Rock Marathon was so windy...and hilly...for 14 miles...oh well, at least it didn't rain on us!
That wind was FIERCE! I feel like a got a total body workout. It just totally freaks me out to be able to run in short sleeves & you in shorts in DECEMBER. Gotta love this part of the country... Well I gotta run. I'll be updating my blog in my closet a.k.a. my tornado shelter...
I was thinking that it was more bordering on "monsoon" than just "windy" :-D
Of course, you do get to USE your pregnancy for these "clumsy moments", but once it's over, you'll have to just go with being a klutz ;-)
Glad that you are still moving along and getting your exercise in!
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