So I suggested that she take it aboard the plane from London to Chicago (she was going to run the Chicago Marathon) to save on freight, i.e. mailing it from within the USA. She wouldn't even let me pay for shipping! Best. Gift. Ever. It arrived when we were on our trip to Philadelphia.
I don't think I can properly express how much this generous gift means to me! It will help to ensure that I remain my runner self post-birth, and that means the world to me. Thank you, Petra!
An awesome gift from an awesome friend. May it see many more miles!
What a great gift! And it doesn't surprise me that Petra was the one to send it.
I saw a woman running this morning with her child in a stroller. I think it was 15 degrees. That kid will be marathon running by age 5. That, or will have permanent frostbite!
Wow that is a nice gift!!, I got one from Marathon Chris and I used it alot!! You'll really enjoy it, best of luck.
Just think, soon you will be able to push the stroller and run.
Petra's pretty awesome, isn't she? :)
Yay for post-pregnancy running!
I am so thrilled to see you with it! And I am even more thrilled that it's getting a new lease of life. It represents a lot to me - I bought it in 2001 with my first child when I always intended to go running, used it VERY lightly with my second but finally, finally, finally started running by the time he was too big. OH well. It's up to you now to wear it out!
What a wonderful thing.. I have been able to see Petra's benevolence all the way since I "met" her.
Enjoy the gift, and you are certainly an inspiration to many.
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