Our semi-regular house guest has returned:
My support hose are really not doing their job. Swelling is just something I have to deal with.
Both of my work projects have been put on hold. At first that really ticked me off, but now I am "seizing" the opportunity to rest as much as possible. If I get the slightest bit uncomfortable or tired, I take a nap. What a life!
Also, I am taking this opportunity to prepare many meals to freeze for post-baby. I have been cooking up a storm! It makes me feel good (or, at least productive, amidst my napping).
24 days to go!
Wow, that is some swelling! Hang in there....you are almost there! Ha, I bet you get tired of hearing that, like running a marathon and at mile 20 you hear a bystander say that. The fun is really about to begin though.
That is some serious swelling, Susan. Please take care of yourself.
By the way thanks for the super-sweet comments on my blog. You're the best.
OOOO you poor woman. I never got that type of swelling in my legs or feet. I hope you feel better.
Oh you poor thing with those feet! You just go ahead and keep them up.
Eeek, I have never been pregnant and that looks scary! That's a cute dog:)
Great job making meals for after Issac arrives. That will be quite nice. And I heartily endorse napping!
Oh my, probably good to stay off those feet with all that swelling. Way to make the best of your slowed work situation!
I am so feeling your pain! I never took pictures, but I remember my feet looking like that - twice.
23 more days. You're on the home stretch! I'm so excited for you!
Oh, Susan, that swelling! Stay off your feet and rest as much as possible...you are almost there! Can't wait to (virtually) meet your (sure to be) handsome baby boy!
Take care!
oh girl, that looks very uncomfortable. Love the polish though! Definitely keep them up and take as many naps as you need.
I love it whenever Maggie makes an appearance, she's such a cutie.
If you body is asking for rest, don't worry... Just take the nap... Take care of the swelling. I hope you are feeling good.... time is coming!!!!
Keep napping,
Oh yeah! The final days are HERE! Are you going to have a IRS alert system? Text messaging or something like that?
I have to agree with the others..that is some swelling! But, glad to hear you're resting and the big day will be here before you know it!! Good luck :)
Aw, sorry Maggie was bad and a burden.
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