Isaac is "very" head down, although I don't feel that he has "dropped" any. Nonetheless, I am dilated one centimeter, so she could easily feel his head (which is just kind of weird to think about - sorry if TMI). And what's better is that my cervix is 50% effaced already! (Again, sorry if TMI)
My blood pressure is still excellent. Due to that fact, she's not concerned with my feet being so swollen that I can basically only wear flip flops comfortably now! Good thing I work at home (and we had warm weather today).
I'm having some contraction-like symptoms, although nothing serious (yet). It's very exciting! She says it could happen any day now. Whoo hoo!
The funny thing is that on the way to the appointment I was fairly 'down in the dumps' from just feeling huge, swollen, etc. I was yearning to feel like my old self -- and go for a nice run. Looks like my NEW self might be granting that wish days earlier than I had thought! We shall see; she said it could still be past my due date, although she didn't think so. One never knows!
Wow, any day -- how VERY exciting!!!
Yay! This is so exciting!
Won't be long now!!
Exciting! I love the name Isaac, it's great.
I get so excited when I read your post everyday - Can't wait until THE DAY!!! but wait.........who will post about the birth - I think you will be a little busy.
aka Boston Betty
OMG - I didn't read this yesterday. It sounds like things are close to starting sweetheart! How extremely exciting!
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