He is soooooo beautiful/handsome adorable and yummy. I am so happy for you and Chasen....you both are going to be wonderful parents. You go girl....getting out there and going out for a stroll! Thank you for all your sweet thoughts that you send our way....lots of love to you guys and kiss kiss to Baby Issac. Congratulations Mommy and look forward to getting back on the road with you....:)
AWWWWWWWWWWWWW!! Keep the pics coming please, he's just sooooo adorable. Now I want my sis to have another baby because I love the cute and cuddly stage.
He is soooooo beautiful/handsome adorable and yummy. I am so happy for you and Chasen....you both are going to be wonderful parents. You go girl....getting out there and going out for a stroll! Thank you for all your sweet thoughts that you send our way....lots of love to you guys and kiss kiss to Baby Issac. Congratulations Mommy and look forward to getting back on the road with you....:)
God he's beautiful.
Glad you got outside too. :)
Thank you for the dose of baby cuteness. He's so sweet.
He's just gorgeous! Lovely keep those photos coming..
cute..cute..cute!!!! :) what a precious little boy Susan!!
OMG he is just adorable. I LOVE all the pics you are posting. Keep them coming.........
aka Boston Betty to you :)
Awwwwwww he is sooooo adorable! 'Burrito baby' is my favorite!!!
Lots of love to you all and congrats on 5 NIGHTS as a mommy! You are doing awesome!
He is sooooo cute! (And perhaps the most photographed kid in history...lol. You guys don't like him much, do you?)
We're so happy for you and Chasen. Mommy-hood definitely agrees with you.
so cute!!
Awwww, what a sweetie! I love the name Isaac, by the way. :)
Aren't babies amazing?
He's so cute!
He is a cutie for sure. Hope he is sleeping well for you. I had a burrito baby as well. They just love being swaddled
He looks so peaceful and content!!! Chasen and You are lucky!
AWWWWWWWWWWWWW!! Keep the pics coming please, he's just sooooo adorable. Now I want my sis to have another baby because I love the cute and cuddly stage.
He is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute! I just wanna hold him!
I have a few more things to send... nothing terribly exciting though, just useful! ;-)
So when is momma gonna break the No strollers allowed Taboo and race with him?
Burrito Baby -- Too Cute!!!
What a precious little bundle.
Congrats new mommy :o)
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