Today there was
another baby shower for Isaac! This time it was put on by some friends from church. It was called a "Sip and See" shower because everyone is supposed to sip a beverage and see the baby. Isaac got lots of lovin' from the ladies (after his mean mommy made them 'Purell' their hands).
food/gift table
The 'Road to Svelte' always has roadblocks. Delicious ones!
I have one more week until my doctor's appointment. When she clears me, hard core Susan returns!
beautiful shower attendees
So, is this a running blog or what? Indeed it is. Yesterday Isaac attended his first race NOT in utero. Chasen was to run the Daffodil Dash 3 Mile Race in Memphis. It was so cold and rainy that Isaac never actually exited the car! I did for a second to take one photo. The End.
As I mentioned before, my road to "new and improved" or "better than ever" Susan begins on March 30th after a clean bill of health is issued. Stay tuned!
That's great that your church gave another baby shower :D. Can't wait until you get your okay on the 30th, I bet your looking forward to it as well.
Love the shower (beautiful house as well!). Can't wait for hard-core Susan to get out there on the roads again - we will be by your side encouraging you the whole way! Remember - accessories galore to be received!
Well, that's what happens when you have such a little cutie. Everyone wants to see and hold him.
Good for Chasen running that race in less than ideal conditions. I'm sure you'll be joining him soon.
Love the layout of food!
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