He's fine, no need to worry. This was, however, the first time that I took him to the pediatrician alone. So I had to hold him while he got shots. No fun! But a mommy's got to do what a mommy's got to do. Speaking of which... right when I got home and Isaac was napping I hopped right onto the treadmill for a 4-miler at 3:1. I just don't know what I would have done for the past 9+ months without a treadmill!
On Monday night I had to attend a dinner on behalf of my women's philanthropy group and distribute some gift cards to some needy children. While there I accepted a plaque of appreciation... which meant that there was no way I could skip my group's monthly meeting the next night. Aaaack!
Tuesdays are meant for challenging track workouts. With no childcare, I had to use the treadmill. And since I had to go to that pesky meeting (which I thought Isaac may also have to attend) I had to somehow accomplish 6 miles whilst keeping Isaac somehow happy next to me. On a wing and a prayer, it happened. He fell asleep!
By Wednesday I was just pooped. But life goes on! Other than running, a priority was grocery shopping. This presents a challenge because I can no longer plop Isaac's infant carrier on top of the buggy (which is what Southern folks call the grocery cart). Moving him to the big boy car seat has thrown a wrench into a lot of things! I had no idea if he'd stay upright, or for how long, in the kiddie part of the buggy... but we needed groceries! Chasen was to work late (story of my life these days), so I had no option of going alone later. So off we went, Clorox wipes in hand. Once I scoured the buggy I put on Isaac's cart cover/activity center.
After that we came home and I did another 4-miler on the treadmill before getting another shower and heading to church - just the two of us. *sigh*
Thursday and Friday presented the biggest challenges of the week... but in a good way! You see, through the women's group I applied for and was selected to be part of the Leadership DeSoto Class of 2010. I was stoked! From the website: "Leadership DeSoto is a program sponsored by the DeSoto Council and directed toward individuals in DeSoto County who demonstrate leadership potential. Leadership DeSoto provides participants an opportunity to learn more about the community in which they live and work and to better understand the opportunities and challenges facing DeSoto County." Cool, huh?!?
The orientation was all day Thursday. My dear friend Sharon drove 145 miles one-way to stay with Isaac that day. She is such a blessing! When I got home and still had her here for a while, I headed to the treadmill for another challenging 6-miler... which turned into a 2.91 miler. You see, my trick ankle started to hurt. Not discomfort, but pain. I stopped immediately. With Rocket City three weeks away, I was not about to push it. I called it a night.
On Friday Chasen had to be to work super early, so I had a hectic morning getting Isaac all ready and packed up to go to our favorite in-town sitter's house. Once I got him dropped off, I headed to the "ropes course" for Leadership DeSoto at a hospital. From the website: "Parkwood’s Challenge Ropes Course offers organizations the opportunity to provide a unique training field in such areas as problem solving, communication skills, understanding diversity, trust, conflict resolution, and resource management by offering challenging events that relate to day to day living." Oh what a day! We had to do some things blindfolded with a trusted partner, and we even swang from suspended tires (as in from one to the other). That was tough! I am still sore, but proud to have mad it, since some people did not complete the tires! The best part, though, was that we really got to know each other. There are 30 of us in this year's group.
I was supposed to do a 4-miler on Friday, but I opted out in light of my ankle and the fact that I was just exhausted, and had felt so pretty much all week. Rest is a beautiful thing. Little did I know, though, just how much I'd be getting. Chasen announced that he'd have to be at work at 7 AM on Saturday and be there until night. Whaaaaa? What about my 18 miler? Given the circumstances, we decided to skip church on Sunday and just do it then. He can rest (much needed!) with Isaac and I can run. God will have to understand.
So today Isaac and I are making up for some lost time that we missed on Thursday and Friday.
I just don't know what I'd do without my little man! He keeps me hoppin' all the time. My quote for today is [insert frustrated voice] "Poop goes on your BOOTY." Generally after one says that, much laundry washing and bathing occurs. I'll let you use your imagination! Ha.
Stay sane, people. I know sometimes it is a chore around here!
I'm lovin' his pose in the pediatrician's office! I admire your ability to keep up your running on the treadmill. I've had such a hard time with that for some reason. I used to be able to run up to 7 miles on my treadmill, but now I have a mental block around 2 miles. Ugggh!
I am SO impressed with everything you managed to fit into this week. All this and philanthropy too! Well done girl. All this stuff is so good for you - exercise and leadership training and work and adapting to change to get your workouts in. You're doing great. Make sure to sit down and ice that ankle sometimes..
Amazing how he's grown up. He looks so wonderful and healthy... despise the cold...
Susan, have a very blessed Thanksgiving in the company of your beloved family!
lizzie lee
That sounds great, just being able to hop on the treadmill to get your run in!
Fantistic Job getting through the week! Busy, busy, busy! But you're getting it done!
Congrats on Leadership DeSoto! That's very cool!
Keep up the great work!
Happy Thanksgiving..
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