My sweet baby boy is one year old today! Time does fly. I have neglected this blog for several reasons, but namely because I have been swamped getting our home ready for his big par-tay! The past week was the definition of insanity: cleaning all day, Chasen coming home late, trying desperately to fit in running and P90X. Something had to give, most days! Plus, Isaac and I were each sick one day last week. Oh what a life!
But back to the important stuff: the amazing year I have been blessed to spend with this awesome lil man. Things have changed sooooo much! One of the best things was the chance to meet fellow new moms at our Thursday afternoon "mommy and me" group. Isaac "graduated" from it last week, as it is for birth to one year old. So, like every other departing mom, I made treats for the day.
Chocolate glazed peanut butter cup brownies with #1's on top.I literally spent all day Friday baking. The party was Saturday, and there were 28 of us present!
(mostly) Gluten-free monkey cupcakes. One of my friends is intolerant to gluten.
"Regular" monkey cupcakes
Chocolate covered strawberries - much easier to make than monkeys!
Edible arrangement (see the #1?) courtesy of Chasen.
We also had mini-cheeseburgers and french fries. Everything was a hit! Just call me caterer...
I honestly do not want to see any more chocolate for a very long time. I never, ever thought I'd say that!
I love that first picture of him on his birthday! He's gotten so big!
You guys really put the whole cake in front of him and just let him have a go at it?! !!
Your treats look marvelous...& so yummy!
Wow, I can't believe he's one already Susan. Man, you can bake too! about a woman of many talents!
Happy Birthday to Isaac!!
That's so gorgeous - and he is so gorgeous! What a year this has been for you all and what an amazing little boy. Congratulations on everything!
Happy Birthday Isaac!!! Thought about you yesterday but didn't know how to get in touch... oops... Paula is 7 today... time sure flies!
Congrats! And lost of happiness to you guys!
Happy Birthday Isaac! That food looks awesome! What a great way to celebrate a HUGE milestone!
Happy Belated Birthday, Isaac!!!!!
It's been wonderful following along on what's been going on with both you and him. LOL on the chocolate overdose!
I do have gifts to send, they are RIGHT.NEXT.TO.ME... grrr... wish I hadn't missed it.
I LOVE the monkey Cupcakes... especially the Green Eyed Monkey ALien ones... what if you had used Red M&Ms??
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