I decided it would be best if I took a whole week off from everything. Must be perfect to begin marathon training! Mind you, we never have a dull moment around here (except when we have bad weather and Isaac and I are cooped up for days on end), so here is my week in photos:
Isaac has two more teeth coming in, so we've had some less-than-optimal sleeping around here at times. Woe is me! Other than that, he continues to expand his repertoire of table food and continues to stand on his own and ponder walking. Any day now!
There are now 29 weeks until the Chicago Marathon. I better get in gear! I'm glad to have you along for the ride.
thanks for your work
Awesome altogether... geez... only 29 weeks... where did time go??? Good luck on your training!
Well, at least you know now what is causing the knee pain so you can avoid it. Hope the week off will get you back to 100% ready to begin training for Chicago and running after Isaac when he starts walking :-)
Time is going fast! But you have plenty of time to get in gear!!!
Love the overalls and shoes- he's such a cutie.
That guy is gorgeous! And I love his ninja pyjamas. Very excited for you for Chicago and for your training program - it looks great and you will do fine. As long as you ditch the Crocs..
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