After the failed 23-miler I got in touch with my dear friend (and forever coach!) Terry. We decided basically that I'd shake it off and adjust my Galloway training according to the heat, i.e. not necessarily go after a 26-miler and 29-miler. I was good to go! Then the hot weekend got here and I talked myself out of 10 miles of speedwork based on the fact that a) it was too hot, and b) I wouldn't be any faster since it was so hot. True and true! But I should have attempted it, regardless.
By Monday I decided to reach out to Kevin of The Extra Mile Podcast. He, after all, was my motivation to try the Galloway Method. And, like me, he's running Chicago (67 days from now). He encouraged me to do precisely what Jeff told him to do, in light of the extreme heat: 30/30 (run 30 seconds, walk 30 seconds). By golly, if Jeff says to do it, I am gonna do it! And I am just gonna get over the heat. Nuff' said. I gotta... or not run again until the week before Chicago.

The rest of my life has been a mix of exciting and complex. I have teased about the real estate topic in previous posts, and now I will tell all. Ever since Isaac was born, our house has magically gotten smaller and smaller. I'm sure all you parents can relate. And a "zero lot line" home is really not practical for us with a growing boy with tons of energy. Plainly stated, we need more space on all fronts.
Just over a month ago Chasen decided to look up local real estate online. And the whirlwind began! We found a really, really good deal three miles away from here in Southaven, Mississippi. It needed some work, but it had TONS of potential.
Long story short, we met road blocks every step of the way. We were quite disappointed, but everything happens for a reason. And like I said, it would have been an ongoing project for years. With a small child and me basically not working these days, that would NOT have been fun. So we accepted that fact, begrudgingly, and kept looking. Then we found this:
It is move-in ready! Of course, there are things we'd like to do to it long-term, but waaaaay down the road. We have gone through all of the negotiating and are having it inspected tomorrow. Hooray! If all goes well, we will take ownership at the end of this month. Isaac got to climb stairs for the first time in this house:
He was off like a shot! No stopping him!
Our current home in Olive Branch, Mississippi has been on the market just over two weeks. Today our listing agency's agents came through to all see it as a group. Chasen decided to make a funny sign for me to put somewhere. I was a little antsy about doing so. But ain't it cute?

Wow Susan! That house sure looks nice. So happy for you guys! I can relate to the house getting smaller, LOL!
About your training, the heat is the enemy... I lost my mojo too for ages but it seems (just seems) to be back so I'll take advantage of it! I have a 10K on Sunday... I know I'll be at the back of the pack (haven't trained properly for 3 months...) but I'm going no matter what! It's at 8:30am starts at 10meters from the beach (finishes there too) so by shortly after 9:30am I should be dipping in the deep blue sea!
Looking at a 1/2 by January or so (a flat one's available close by :p) so we'll see how that goes!
Cute little Isaac and great idea to put his picture+message on the pitcher... you're such a smart cookie!
Susan! Congrats on the new place! It is beautiful. Good luck with the home sale! I will be praying for you and the family and the house buy/sell. Having been through all of that just recently I know how crazy the process can be.
How exciting! The new place looks wonderful! I so badly want to take the same step, but so afraid of not being able to sell our current house. I need to take an ounce of your bravery and make that step. We bought our house pre-kids. Now we have 2. Enough said.
Wow Susan just listened to your update and now seen the pictures that house is GORGEOUS! Truly! My dream home it is beautiful!
Will send you some audio later but in the meantime great good luck with this.
Can't believe how well you're doing with your training despite the heat - that is AWESOME!
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