It's fairly impossible to get anything accomplished at the new house with Isaac in tow. He doesn't like being stuck in the pack-n-play, and I don't blame him. However, sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do, and this long weekend was no exception. We were there doing work Friday night (pulling up carpet and tack strips) and, due to Isaac's bedtime, we got in about 1.5 hours before we had to come home.

On Saturday we decided to divide and conquer. I went over in the morning and removed some hardwood flooring and made a noble attempt at removing a wallpaper border in Isaac's soon-to-be new room. It was so difficult! Eventually I just gave up (which I do not usually do) so Chasen finished up that day. Thank heavens!
On Sunday morning at 2:38 AM my little teething monster decided to wake up and not go back to sleep until 4 AM. Holy cow! Needless to say I missed my 5 AM wakeup call for speedwork. *sigh* That's life with a toddler. Chasen went to work on the house that day after church. He started to tackle the wallpaper border in the spare room. I have cursed those people and their wallpaper borders!
I finally got to my speedwork this morning before 6 AM. It was - brace yourselves - 60 degrees outside!!! I was able to run so much faster! Still using the 2:1 method, i.e. walking one third of the time, I pulled 11:57, 11:48, 11:44 and 11:34. After that I was spent and could not do two more. Oh well - it's not like I haven't been busy or anything...
By 9:10 AM the three of us were at the new house. No rest for the weary! With Isaac unhappily in the pack-n-play we tacked the remaining border as a team. After a while I went to spackle some nail holes, and then it was naptime, so Isaac and I headed home. Chasen only came home for about an hour. When Isaac woke we went to Lowe's and bought some chair rail for Isaac's new room, plus a new saw. Aye aye aye! With unhappy Isaac looking on we installed chair rail like nobody's business. Dare say, Chasen and I are EXPERT chair rail installers. Once that was done Isaac and I high-tailed it home. He was cranky, tired and hungry. Poor little guy - he was a major trooper today. Chasen stayed for about two more hours.
By 9:10 AM the three of us were at the new house. No rest for the weary! With Isaac unhappily in the pack-n-play we tacked the remaining border as a team. After a while I went to spackle some nail holes, and then it was naptime, so Isaac and I headed home. Chasen only came home for about an hour. When Isaac woke we went to Lowe's and bought some chair rail for Isaac's new room, plus a new saw. Aye aye aye! With unhappy Isaac looking on we installed chair rail like nobody's business. Dare say, Chasen and I are EXPERT chair rail installers. Once that was done Isaac and I high-tailed it home. He was cranky, tired and hungry. Poor little guy - he was a major trooper today. Chasen stayed for about two more hours.
There is still a bit of work to do (just a bit!) before the painters can come, but we're basically in good shape. And I found someone to come clean our carpet for a very, very good price once the painters are done. We're making progress! Running, needless to say, is my only means of sanity at this time. Thank goodness for that!
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