On Friday we closed on our new house. Whoo hoo! Hopefully in about a month or so we'll be moved in. In the meantime, our current home needs to SELL and we need to put some sweat equity into the new one. Fun times!
Today I set my clock for 3:00 AM because I needed to accomplish 12 mile repeats before 8 AM. I drove to our new house so as to make a nice out-and-back course. I hit start at 3:58 AM. Per the Galloway plan, I have to walk 5 minutes between each mile repeat, so the whole ordeal took quite a while. I did pretty well until the last 2 repeats. Oh well - personally I think 12 repeats is quite a lot! And to think in a few weeks I have to do 14!
So Chicago is 6 weeks away. Yikes! My training has certainly suffered due to the heat. HOWEVER, as of this week things have cooled down a bit. Hooray! This morning during my run the temps were between the low to mid 70's the whole time. A real cold snap! I never once thought "it's so hot out here." I forgot what that was like! So now I have to make sure that within the next few weeks I do another 20+ miler. My last 20 miler was *gasp* 8 weeks ago.
Tomorrow Isaac and I are driving Chasen to the airport for a business trip to California. But guess where he's going in October when I will be in Chicago? CHINA and INDIA. Seriously. For 10 days. So I had to arrange for a weekend sitter for Isaac (cha-ching!) while I go to the windy city. At first I was upset that Chasen's big trip will be during marathon time, but now I think it's probably for the best because it will break up the time he's gone into 3 parts: 5 days without him to pack and prepare for Chicago, getting away to Chicago for just under 2 days, 3 days to recover and get ready for Chasen to come home. We can do this!
Sounds like the family is going to be busy, but you CAN do this! Keep up with the training! It must be nice to run without thinking of the heat.
By-the-way, Isaac does seem to really enjoy the water hose- how cute!
It's all packed in there Susan but you can do this! Am still struggling to think about your 4am training but am SO impressed!
Hey...how do you do your repeats according to Galloway plan?
Well done on your repeats Susan! You did great!
Wow, Chasen gone during the marathon... glad you sorted things out!
6 weeks only... that's just around the corner... so, so, so exciting!
Best of luck. Hope the house is sold in no time too!
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