Even though I am in taper mode, I have been too busy to hardly notice. One of my favorite ways to keep busy is with my mommy friends. On Monday we all went to the zoo. I am a member, so it is always free. :)
I have been so worried about Chasen's upcoming 10-day voyage overseas and our house still being on the market that even running hasn't helped much. Ick - not good.
Fast forward to this weekend. This morning I got to "sleep in" to 5:15 AM! Yesssss! I had only 7 miles on the docket for my final pre-marathon longrun. AND it was 47 degrees outside. There IS a God...
One tenth of a mile into my run I became outraged. You see, a nearby house that has only been on the market for a maximum of 14-21 days had a "sold" sign out front. Grrrrr! I wanted to choke somebody! Ours has been on the market for 77 days. But I had hope because we had yet another open house planned for this afternoon (plus, a couple randomly stopped by yesterday and liked our home).
Back to the run. I actually ran MUCH slower than I thought I would, considering the drop in temps. But in hindsight I think it was a good thing. I have been known to "blow through" a final longrun and use up too much of my precious energy. So I probably did just the right thing. I was so worked up about that other house selling so quickly, though!
We came home to some promising news: one couple was quite taken with our home and supposedly have narrowed down their search to our home and one other. Fingers crossed!
Now the true countdown begins. Chasen leaves first thing tomorrow for India and then China. He'll be travelling for ten days. Yikes! Hopefully I'll get some good news about the house tomorrow to share with him (thank heavens for modern technology). And then on Saturday I leave for Chicago!
Isaac is just so awesome.. nice picture... I'll track you, thanks for sharing.. the best of the lucks, though you don't need luck after all your hard training... Have a fabulous race. Counting the days with you!
Will totally say a bunch of prayers for your house sale! I know how challenging that whole process can be.
You're gonna have an awesome race!
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