On Christmas Eve we went to a candlelight service at our church. When we got home and got Isaac to bed we finally got down to business! We opted to not put up a tree - at all - until then because we just knew that Mr. Inquisitive would not be able to stay away from it.
On Christmas morning I just couldn't wait for Isaac to wake up! He is likely going through a growth spurt now because he sleeps A LOT. So some waiting was required. But he finally got with the program and woke up for our first Christmas in our new house. Here is Chasen (who says he sounds like a drunk) bringing him downstairs on Christmas morning:
The "architectural block set" was also a big hit. This architect mommy thanks Santa!
It couldn't have been much better. We are so fortunate to have each other!
I was supposed to do a 16 mile run on Christmas Day, but obviously that wasn't happening. Better fish to fry! So I got to bed early that night to make it happen on Sunday the 26th.
I woke up at 3:30 AM. I needed to be back home by 8 AM to make it to Sunday School on time. I headed out the door just past 4 AM. I walked down my road and hit 'start' at the main drag. I originally wanted to do an out-and-back, but I felt I would not be able to carry enough Perpetuem sports drink with me to make that happen. So I opted for two shorter out-and-backs so I could refuel.
It was 31 degrees out and - get this! - snowing! Yes, in Mississippi. Just flurries, mind you, but enough for me to finally be able to say that I ran in the snow. My goal was to run 13:30 miles. I think I was dressed perfectly, except my legs could have been a tad bit warmer (I should have worn my tights instead of loose pants).
I am extremely happy and proud to report that this was my best longrun of 2010. Seriously. I felt strong and fast. Seriously. I made it to the first 4 mile spot (my old neighborhood) in the blink of an eye. Next thing I knew I was at the intersection of my road and the main drag switching sports bottles. As it turns out, I probably could have done one out-and-back since I forgot how much less I drink when it is super cold. Oh well!
I made it back to the old neighborhood for 12 miles and then started the "final descent" towards home. The first 14 miles were practically effortless. Seriously. Mile 15 required a bit of walking here and there and mile 16 required a lot of walking. Oh well! Check out my splits:
12:38, 13:12, 12:58, 13:20, 13:19, 12:44, 13:15, 12:37, 12:24, 12:43, 12:34, 12:21, 13:01, 12:48, 13:50, 14:36
Total - 3:28:29
Average - 13:02 per mile
That is seriously speedy for me, and it includes walking the first 0.05 of each mile. Whoo hoo! I attribute these results to both cooler weather and my mid-week speed sessions (I guess). The Cowtown Marathon is 9 weeks away and I just can't wait!
Wow Susan, you are THE runner! Well done. Sounds like a lovely run! You're so brave to run at those times... congrats!
Your Xmas sounds lovely. So nice to hear it went great!
Happy Holidays!
Dear Susan, Merry Christmas to you and your family.
The port-o-potty seriously deserves a prize. We can say that the family has a Christmas spirit!!
The lights of the tree made it all. I couldn't even notice that it was undecorated... Well done, and the cards set up looks beautiful.
Isaac's expression with Cat in the Hat's gift says it all. Man, if he was happy.
And as you, I had a long run for Christmas day, but also had a bigger fish to fry (i.e. I was in an absolute laziness state taking naps every 2 hours or so), so I went on Sunday, and I thought I was tough and determined going for a 20-miler at 37F with 15mph wind and rain. But look at you. Mine was like a run in Hawaii compared to your conditions: DARK, 4am, and flurries??? SUPER KUDOS for you. You are THE example to follow... There are no excuses.
Much love from the Pacific Northwest, and I wish you, Chasen and your lovely boy the best for 2011. Thanks for sharing your adventures, and...
keep running
lizzie lee
I love reading your blog - thank you for the frequent updates!
Wishing you the best of heath and happiness in 2011.
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