I was so proud of Chasen. Nothing says accomplishment like a cap and gown! He started this MBA when we lived in Arkansas and he worked about 60 hours per week (seriously) and could barely get away from work to attend classes. It was NOT easy. Then we moved 4 hours from the school and he both telecommuted and drove there some in the beginning. Again, NOT easy! So I am a super-duper proud wife. Congratulations, Chasen!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Chasen's MBA Graduation
Big news! Even though Chasen finished classes for his MBA close to 18 months ago (long story...) he finally got to go and physically graduate! We've had the actual diploma for a while now, but nothing tops off years of hard work like spending 8 hours in the car with a teething toddler to cross state lines to go to a graduation ceremony!
Isaac finally got to face forward in his seat the day before we left. Chasen finally gave in!
Here Isaac watches the humorous elderly lady that sat behind us during the graduation.
It was a small December ceremony in the school's gym.
Someone is VERY proud of his Daddy!
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If you couldn't tell from Susan's post, I couldn't have finished my degree without her support and understanding. I have a great wife and best friend that takes care of us all.
Welcome back to the blog world. CONGRATS CHASEN! So awesome he finally got to do the ceremony. And look at that big boy in his car seat. He is getting so big!!! So glad for you and your family Susan! You all ROCK! =)
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