Friday, May 11, 2012

Just Me and My Boy

As most of you know, I spend quite a lot of time at home alone with Isaac as a geographically single mother. The weather has been so nice lately, so we try to spend as much time as possible outside and NOT in front of the television. Isaac loves to "work outside."

Here he is under his favorite tree with his assorted, random garage things. 

Since Chasen is once again in smoggy China, I try to snap pics of gorgeous blue skies to send to him.

Isaac set up a dump truck washing station with ALL of his bubbles. Bye bye bubbles!

Here he tries to work out using Daddy's truck while Bo looks on for moral support.

This week, post-marathon, has been busy, busy, busy as you can see. I am happy to report that by Wednesday all marathon soreness had left the building. I even went for four, easy miles on Thursday! And when I picked up Isaac after that, his school pictures were ready. Check 'em out! 

Here is my precious boy. Gosh I love him - I am the luckiest mommy in the whole, wide world.

Since Mother's Day is coming up (and I will be a single mother for it, by the way) school sent home a framed photo of each child. Here is mine.

And here is a comparison between Isaac and I, just a few years in age apart. Similar, eh?

As of next week I will be in what I am calling "maintenance training" for marathon #8, which is only 29 days from now. During most of those days, I'll have Isaac at home with me before his fun summer camp begins. Wish this "single mama" luck!

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