Monday, November 13, 2006

LRM Training Run #11, New Gloves

LRM Miles Trained To Date: 46

This morning I had to do an easy 3 miles. Piece of cake! It was 54 degrees outside when I began - perfect running weather. I opted for a hilly loop. I did well on one particular hill which I used to DREAD several months ago. Hooray!

Mile 1: 12:54
Mile 2: 11:49
Mile 3: 11:54
Total: 36:38
Average: 12:13 per mile

Pictured here is a very close facsimile to my new running gloves! My husband got them for me as a congratulatory present for passing two more of my professional licensing exams (remember my study weekend in Arlington, Texas?) Well, there are nine blasted exams, and I have now passed six. So I am 2/3 done! Anyway, my old cheapo gloves were great for COLD weather, but not the best for cool weather. So, he went and got me these convertible running gloves by 180s. The retractable "mitten" cover on mine is black, not grey. I love them! I used them this morning and they worked like a charm.


Anonymous said...

very nice gloves!

MarathonChris said...

Cool gloves! You will have to post when it is colder how well they work.

Great run! It is fun to find things that used to be hard get easier as you train.