Monday, December 25, 2006

LRM TR #31, Attack of the German Shepherd

LRM Miles Trained To Date: 185

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! My husband and I have had a good one. It rained through the night, and somewhere in the 6 AM hour there was a huge clap of noise and we lost electricity. Even though the power was restored within two hours or less, we opened our gifts by candlelight. Like the pioneers, I said! Ha. We relaxed for most of the rest of the day, minus a break for a lovely Christmas meal prepared by him. It has been a low key holiday, and I have loved every minute of it.

I got more running gear for Christmas! So at about 4 PM I put it on and we headed out. He dropped me off four miles away. It was funny; I came close to canceling the run, thinking to myself "What's one day?" But then I thought "I really have no reason to cancel this run." So within my first few steps I was smiling and thinking "Gosh I really love to run!" It was 36 degrees and I was ready to enjoy it. I went with only my cel phone and a bottle of water, so as to again try to enjoy the sights and sounds.

During mile two I came upon a semi-normal sight: a barking, chasing German Shepherd mix. This is soooooo normal - just part of the drill. I thought he'd just sniff me, run with me a bit, bark a little, then go home. Not the case! All of that stuff happened, except add in that he "kissed" me in the rear! Yep, at the time I thought it was a bite, but it turned out to be just a kiss (no torn pants and skin is A-OK). Immediately I got courageous and yelled "No!" and pointed my finger at him. He backed off. Then he'd start up again, and I'd do my routine again. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he gave up (after just the one "kiss," thank goodness). So, I am hereby reneging what I asked last time about why country folks must all have 4-6 dogs each. I now feel that they can have 100 dogs each, if they wish, JUST KEEP THEM IN A FENCE OR AT LEAST ON A CHAIN (preferably in a fence, that's more humane)!!!!!!!! Gosh - why would someone let dogs roam free? They could get hit by a car or shot by a runner's husband! (Just kidding about that last part - that would never happen. Had I really been bit, I would have marched up to the owner's house and informed them of what happened.)

In spite of the dog, it was a good, quick run. Here are my times:

Mile 1: 11:16
Mile 2: 11:00
Mile 3: 10:39 (running from dog!)
Mile 4: 11:01
Total: 44:00
Average: 11:00 per mile

Tomorrow I will post "my journey," as promised, just a few days late. Enjoy your holiday!!!


Susan said...

Susan! When I saw the title of this post, I actually said out loud--oh no! I'm glad you were only "kissed."

You are so dedicated to your training and your running, it's inspiring to read!

You go girl! and Merry, Merry Christmas!
~Susan K.

MarathonChris said...

Merry Christmas!! Nice run - too bad about the dogs. I guess the advantage of the country is nice quiet areas to run but then there are dogs. Here there are no dogs - just the occasional squirrel - but it is a somewhat busy road.

Enjoy the new stuff!! New running toys are always fun.

Anonymous said...

I am continually impressed and amazed by your solid effort!!! I am glad you were able to act like a pioneer throughout the day...It's good to hear you had a FANTASTIC holiday!

Anonymous said...

I am glad you guys had a good Christmas! I thought about you and the marathon on Christmas Eve when we were driving around looking at lights. I saw a marathon mile marker and thought of where we are going to strategically post ourselves on the race route to cheer you on!
You continue to inspire..
Blessings for the new year!