Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sweetheart Slimdown Challenge - Week 2 Report

Hello again. It took a while to gather the results today, but a late post is better than no post at all!

I earned 52 points (my challenge record!) and lost 0.6 pounds.
Susan K. earned 42 points and was unable to weigh due to the bad snow in her corner of the world.
Martina earned 38 points and was also unable to weigh due to travel.
Katie earned 33 points and lost - whoa! - 2.5 pounds.

I had an OK week. I ran 21 miles total. I am in real taper mode for the marathon and am trying to focus on nutrition... but it is hard as Valentine's Day approaches. I suggested, however, that we bump up our calisthenics numbers. Look out, Rambo!

Susan K. had a great points-earning week, despite her hometown in central Illinois being hit with massive snow. She made it to her YMCA as much as possible, even while experiencing some personal tragedies this week. They say it's good to keep moving, stay focused, etc. Keep it up, SK! Due to the one foot (ouch!) of snow outside her door this morning, she was unable to get to the gym, and that's where she weighs usually. But she was happy to report that her new smaller-sized clothes are fitting fabulously.

Martina is somewhere in the southeastern USA (the locale has left my brain - sorry) and told me that her hotel has little in the area of fitness and zero scales, but she's excited to go for hikes in a huge nearby park. She refused to pay $179 for a one-month gym membership and I DON'T BLAME HER. That serves as a good lesson to all; it doesn't take a gym to be fit! Martina is making fitness happen for herself.

And my poor Katie has had a double whammy; she has been sick AND has been through the dental ringer lately. So she's too tired and weak (sick) to work out much, and has been spending far too much time in the dental chair to have any sort of appetite (or taste buds, she said). She attributes her huge loss partly to that and partly to the post-Superbowl bloat being gone. I believe it! Any small amount of sodium-laden food does a number on me, as well.

Two more weeks to go folks, then it's time for our next challenge to begin: Marathon Madness!

1 comment:

Susan said...

I always like reading your blog. My results always sound fab reading it here! :)