Today was rare. I got up around 8 AM and proceeded to watch TV for about 2 hours with my husband. We never watch early-morning TV! But, you see, we are addicted to real estate type programs... and some were on...
We both intended to run today. So I forced us up at 10 AM and out we went. I had to run 3 easy miles. The 5K is a week away! It was not that hot when I started... but man on man -- it quickly heated up. I was thankful that the 5K starts at 7:30 AM. We ran in our neighborhood. It was a good choice because it is mostly shaded and I do not feel the need to carry my cel phone when running here. I figure if anything happened to me, I'd be feet away from someone's house! We ran in opposite directions. He did about 1.25 miles. I struggled to do 3. It gets redundant running in various loops. I did it in *gulp* 37:43. I was doing great at first, but then during mile 3 I let myself dilly-dally. Oh well. It is done!
After all that we got ready and headed to my local running store extraordinaire: The Easy Runner. I noticed a few days ago that my Brooks were really, really run down. I am a heal striker extraordinaire. I won't post a photo of the shoes; I'd probably get shot! The good 'ole shoes (which carried me across the marathon finish line!) had 320 miles on them. They are past due for retirement. So, at the store I was again evaluated. I left the store with the same shoes! Just new. See photo. Brooks Adrenaline GTS 7. The other contender was a keen looking pair of Asics.
More errands were run after that. I am just thankful to be home this weekend!
Way to get out there anyway!!! Besides 37 min for an easy 3 is just that - an easy 3.
Heat is tough to run in (I have some experience with it :-)
Congrats on the shoes. I am due for new shoes as well. I have been rotating 3 pairs. I retired one pair because they were over a year and a half old - only 300 miles on them. My newest pair has over 400 miles and my other pair (which is approaching a year old) have over 350 miles. Been wearing Brooks Addiction but looking to see if I should change to help my foot out....going to a local shoe place to have my running analyzed.
Good job, sounds like a great way to spend Saturday!
Sometimes new shoes can make an incredible difference. And as for the 3 miler - well done on doing it at all. Not every run is going to be a great run, some of them just can be marked as "done"..
Shoes are always fun. I love my most recent pair of shoes.
OKay, it's race week for you... I'm going to send you (early in the week) a visualization for you to think about in prep for your race. YOU ARE SPEED.
(we watched that movie today!)
I love new shoes! And it can make a huge difference in how you feel.
Way to get out there too. I agree with Petra, sometimes there are runs that aren't fntastic, but you do them.
I go through shoes like crazy, or at least it feels that way! Those babies are sharp.
This heat is killing my times too, but oh well. Still getting fit, right?
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