It has been quite a while since I did my early morning run, and I have gained perspective. Bad runs serve to make us a) get stronger, and b) appreciate good runs all the more.
I was up and out by 5 AM. The high today is supposed to be 107 degrees. Ouch! It was less than 80, thankfully, while I was running. I had created a 7 mile course online. I have been just "winging it," but now that the mileage is increasing, I decided to map it out. I memorized the course and left the printout on the kitchen counter, just in case Chasen needed to locate me (but I always carry my mobile phone with me).
I think the place where the Devil lives should be called Hill. My course was literally all uphill for more than half of it! I stopped to remove a rock from my shoe at mile 2.4 and forgot to turn my Garmin back on. So today I was a "zen runner" instead of an "Einstein runner." The second I realized the Garmin was still off (miles later) I was angry, but then I had a sense of freedom. HA!
I guess those early hills wore me out. I was extremely proud of my efforts! I did very well with those things! But I was feeling pooped pretty shortly thereafter. I was walking tons. I figured I had lengthened my course, also, unfortunately, as it took me almost 2 full hours to do the run. As it turns out, I did 8 miles. No wonder I was exhausted afterwards!
No rest for the weary: once I arrived to work I had to go to a meeting on the 4th floor of an unfinished building, i.e. no air conditioning and no using the elevator.

There I am, heading to my doom!
I have new aches and pains after almost each run. I monitor them and generally they go away quickly. Here's hoping that trend continues!
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