So after calling the hospital and getting showered (which was a waste of good water, come to find out), we left for Memphis (like a 25 minute commute from home to our hospital).
I got checked in, and was assessed in a small exam room. My water had indeed broken.
Then we went to the birthing room.
Getting the epidural certainly made me wince. Not fun! But soooooo worth it. I honestly do not know how women give birth without drugs. Kudos to them!
It was probably 10 PM by now. At 12:45 the doc-on-call (not MY doc, but at least the head of the practice) told the nurses to give me pitocin. Fine, whatever. Let's get the show on the road! I thought it'd just be any minute now. Wrong!
It still took from 12:45 to 6:30 AM for me to go from 3 cm dilated to 10 cm. I tried to rest, but I was just too excited/anxious. The magical epidural kept me pain-free until right before 10 cm.
This is where it gets ugly. Real ugly! Right before 10 cm is when the sort of "rectal pressure" starts, apparently. It was just awful. But you know what was worse? Pushing. Oh. My. Lord. So help me, Isaac will be an only child like me! I had to push for 45 minutes, which they all said was waaaay fast for a first-time mom, but it was AWFUL. TERRIBLE. NIGHTMARISH. Do you know why? Two reasons: First, Isaac was "sunny side up," meaning his face was up, and aparently most babies are born facing the floor. That makes for a wide angle. Second, since he was so "head down" for so long, he little head literally morphed into a cone head! It was tiny on top and then HUGE in comparison farther down (in fact, it was the same circumference as his little chest!) So Isaac just didn't want to come out easily. I was secretly wishing to be whisked away for a C-section at this point, but he was already on his way out. It was sooooo tough. I really doubted my ability to get it done. Where'd the rock star go?
But guess what happened at 7:15 AM on February 15, 2009?
As Isaac was whisked away for testing, etc. I just DIED. I was wiped.
See his tiny crown and seemingly huge head? It is already more normal looking as a I type this.
Our big, healthy boy. Chasen even cut the cord.
As I said, I all but passed out after that. I couldn't hold him for the next 30 minutes because I was just too weak.
All cleaned up! Where are my clothes?
First feeding. He ate like a champ! (just like his mama)
Me and my new love, Isaac Roy.
After an awful lot of poking and prodding, we were prepped to go to our "real" room.
I'm in love too! Who wouldn't be? You did GREAT! I say you never lost your inner rock star -- you only shine brighter in my book! Now, about that 20 miler on Sat... =)
He's beautiful! Congratulations!
Congrat Susan and Chase - he is beautiful :)
Welcome Isaac Roy!!! He is beautiful!
Sigh. I am so elated for you guys. I wish we could be there! If we weren't leaving for Philly in just over 24 hours, we would be! Please hug and kiss the sweet baby for me! Tell him that i have been waiting a long time to meet him, so I guess another week or so won't hurt, right? Love you guys!
Isaac is beautiful! Congratulations!
He is gorgeous and you look awesome mom! You are still a rock star girl-I cannot believe you are up and posting on your blog definitely rock in my book! Welcome to the world of motherhood, the love only gets stronger with each passing day. Huge hugs to all three of you, Chasen was a champ of a dad to endure the day of watching/helping you bring your baby boy into the world. Welcome baby Isaac!! Can't wait until we get to meet you in person. Love & Hugs, B.
This is the best race report I've ever read! WOW! And the winner is ISAAC! He's beautiful - as are you!
Rock Star! What a beautiful baby. Thanks for sharing. My first child, Jimmy, was sunny side up too and it took a long time for Sharon and was hard on her. But so worth it! He was a cone head too when he finally came out--we had an old style doctor who--suddenly they go in a BIG hurry--took him out with forceps just like that! So he had (and you can still sometimes faintly see when he gets excited) storch bite marks too. They are so precious! Welcome Isaac and well done Susan (and Chasen).
Wow, a Valentine's Baby!!
Congratulations to you both, Susan and Chasen. I'll bet a lot of things will seem easy compared to giving birth.
SO when you having another?
Congrats, he is beautiful. A nice healthy size too...
I echo the comments of everyone else and say Congrats!!! Thanks for sharing your new arrival with your blog friends so quickly!!!
Congrats on a beautiful boy!!! Who says you are not a rock star?? Look what you did!!! Just like a marathon, start out feeling good, then starting to have doubts, then the great reward!!!
Looking forward to lots of pics!
Be sure to sleep when he sleeps!!!! :-)
Giving birth makes running a marathon seem like a walk in the park, no? I remember how exhausting it was. I actually didn't get the drugs the first time, and it was almost unbearable. So, drugs are good - check! (Got them the second time as soon as I walked in the door. ;-)
He is a beauty mom!! Good job!!!!!!
He's soooo beautiful, Susan enjoy him. They are so precious at this age and it gets better as they get older. So was going through labor like a marathon hee hee? I'm sure it was more, but you ended up with the best gift in the whole world, a little bundle of joy. Congrats to you and Chasen
Wow, what a cool surprise to start my day. Congratulations to you all. Isaac looks like a big strapping kid so he will no doubt be ready to run in a few weeks. Take care.
OK, so I suppose that this is some kind of excuse not to run... Oh, well!
Just kidding! Congratulations, you three! What a great weekend y'all had!
Congratulations!!!!! How exciting to read & see your pictures!!
Best wishes for a long & happy life, Isaac! and Good luck to Mom & Dad!
*super big hugs*
oh ps...the 'cone-head' look is common actually. Babies are made to have that happen (soft head) oldest daughter took forever too, it seemed, and was quite the cone-head. My second dd came fast, and her head was much, much, MUCH! rounder. The difference in their 'fresh out of the oven' pictures is startling! :-)
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! I just got back from Nashville and had to go online and see if Isaac arrive yet. I was going to call you over the weekend but didn't want to intrude. He is just precious!!! =)
Sorry I missed all of the excitement, just now getting caught up. He's gorgeous and you look fantastic too! Labor sucks, but you'll soon forget all that ugly pain, trust me. Enjoy your new role in life.
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